I can't tell because my C skills are pretty bad but looking at fmax and fmin, 
I'm worried that the X and Y axis might be flipped for example:

LinuxCNC from rtapi_math.h:

extern __inline double fmax(double __y, double __x) {
    return __y > __x || __builtin_isnan(__x) ? __y : __x;

extern __inline double fmin(double __y, double __x) {
    return __y < __x || __builtin_isnan(__x) ? __y : __x;

RTAI from musl/libm/f{max,min}.c:

double fmax(double x, double y)
    if (isnan(x))
        return y;
    if (isnan(y))
        return x;
    /* handle signed zeros, see C99 Annex F.9.9.2 */
    if (signbit(x) != signbit(y))
        return signbit(x) ? y : x;
    return x < y ? y : x;

double fmin(double x, double y)
    if (isnan(x))
        return y;
    if (isnan(y))
        return x;
    /* handle signed zeros, see C99 Annex F.9.9.2 */
    if (signbit(x) != signbit(y))
        return signbit(x) ? x : y;
    return x < y ? x : y;

Or maybe everything will just work perfectly fine! :-)


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