On Fri, 20 Oct 2023 at 22:10, John Allwine <j...@pentamachine.com> wrote:

> I'm hoping someone might have some insight into an error I encountered
> today. I have a roughly 11,000 line G code program, with a bad cutter
> compensation code (Length of cutter compensation entry move is not greater
> than the tool radius) about 4,500 lines into the program. The read-ahead
> doesn't see the error until the motion of the machine is about 1,500 lines
> into the program (~5 minutes of run time in). It reports the error at that
> point through the linuxcnc.error_channel, but continues to run until about
> line 2,800 and then halts (~8.5 minutes of run time in).

Does it stop before the bad move? Or are you saying that it continues
past it, and then stops some time later?

Are you running a GUI which has a graphical preview? Errors like
thiswill often me flagged during the preview stage. otherwise I think
that the interpreter stops at "queue busters" and so you won't see the
error until execution is in the queue section of the code.

If you have a tool change or a probe, for example, i think that the
lookahead stops there.

"A motorcycle is a bicycle with a pandemonium attachment and is
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