I have been testing out versaprobe in qtdragon and noticed a problem with inside corners.

The retract in the X-direction after the slow probe is typically to small, so that when the Y-direction fast probe is done it is to close to the inner y-dir edge. If there is a radius in the corner (which there normally is with a pocket cut with a endmill), then the probe in the y-dir will hit in the radius part and not on the x-dir edge. This will produce an error in the y-position of the corner.

One can perhaps get around it by using a large latch retract, but this will slow down the whole process.

The cause of this behaviour seems to be the new xplus and xminus routines included in qtvcp/widgets/probe_routines.py (Not sure, probing routines are at many places in linuxcnc under different names. Very confusing. I hope it gets cleared up one day, with a clear distinction between a tool setter (which cannot move, but has a height) and a 3d probe (which moves)).

The original xplus.ngc and xminus.ngc routines of versaprobe are different in that they have a fast retract after final slow probe to the original point where fast probing starts from. The yplus and yminus routines are also different but seem to not effect the inner corner probing since they occur after the x-dir movements. However they give a wrong end result for the y-position of
the corner, since they touch on the radius part of the corner.

These differences do not seem to effect the end result of the other probe routines, but is probably not in line with the aims of the original author of the versaprobe routines.

Hope this helps to improve qtdragon. On the whole we (SA-CNC-CLUB) are very impressed and thankful for the excellent work on it.

Kind regards
Rudy du Preez
Chairman SA-CNC-CLUB
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