On 2/28/24 12:15, gene heskett wrote:
On 2/28/24 08:02, andy pugh wrote:
On Wed, 28 Feb 2024 at 11:59, gene heskett <ghesk...@shentel.net> wrote:

I often have as many as 8 open while developing code so I can see whats
going on in real time and now I can't see things w/o clicking on them,

The Halshow "Watch" tab can be better for this. You can build  a list,
(and save the layout) and can also set the values of inputs, as well
as view outputs.

Sounds useful. is it covered by a manpage?

What I am attempting to do would be useful to have an array of xy locations, but how does one go about defining an #<_arraynamex+index> and #<_arraynamey+index>?  The first portion of this particular program is to survey the locations of the hole the holes I'm actually going to put bolts in, and I figure since this is not going to be overly flexible, is to locate the 8 holes (every third one) and if I cannot use the array by indexing into it my code will grow like Topsy cuz I'll have to write it 8 times instead of looping thru it once. Reading thru the docs it appears the "g1 f2 x[#<_arx>+[#100*#<_distance>]] y#<_ary>" might be legal. That would let me write a <while[#100 le 7] loop incrementing #100 from 0 to 7 knowing only the distance from hole 0 to hole 7 by finding those two holes and dividing by 7. And would only need 3 storage locations for x (assuming the bolt holes were accurately bored. Rarely the case with chinese linear bearings. I swear their boltholes are drilled by hand. I have one that y wanders so far off center that I can see the countersink in the bottom of the ball track. So unless you can tell me how to set up an 8 element xy array, I'll have to unroll the loop and use at least 18 vars. Can you rescue me?

Thanks Andy.

Now I have a different problem. A subroutine I wrote back in 2012 has ceased to load correctly using this syntax.

o<tholefinder.ngc> call

and I've copies of it in nc_files and in nc_files/subs, error msg claims EOF while searching for it. Yet I've used it hundreds of times to find a hole so I can rigid tap it.

Thanks for any hints.

Cheers, Gene Heskett, CET.
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