Colorado Product Safety Technical Committee (CPSTC) 
  November meeting Notice
  The Colorado Product Safety Technical Committee (CPSTC) will be holding the 
  November meeting at the Exabyte facilities in Boulder, CO. Richard 
  Georgerian and Kent Shown, both Product Compliance Engineers at Exabyte, 
  will be hosting the meeting.
  Date: Wednesday, November 13, 1996
  Time: 6:30pm
  Location: Exabyte
  1685 38th Street
  Boulder, CO 80301
  Food and drinks will be provided by Exabyte before and during the meeting.
  For all those wishing to attend, please call, fax or e-mail me so that we 
  can plan for the room size and the amount of food/drinks, no later than 
  Tuesday, Nov. 12, 1996.
  The regular meeting will start at 6:30pm and last about 15-20 minutes. 
  Agenda:  1) Attendance
  2) Next year's activity plans
  3) New and old topics of discussion to be brought in by our
  members (this can be stuff found on the Internet and shared with the rest 
  of us.)
  If any of our members would rather send in their ideas for this November 
  meeting via the NET, in lieu of attending, please do so. Our next meeting 
  will be in January of 1997 at a local restaurant.
  Also, to our members, it looks like using this forum is the best way to 
  send out our meeting notices, instead of sending out faxes. 
  If anyone needs a map, again, please call, fax or e-mail me, and I'll send 
  you a map.  Hope to see you all there!!!!!!
  Richard Georgerian, Chairman of CPSTC Product Compliance Engineer
  tel.: 303-417-7537     fax: 303-417-7829     e-mail:

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