Engineers/poets ?!?!
          And with a sense of humor, too!
               What is this world coming to????
                    However, I'll drink to that when I get home tonight!
          Tania Grant, Octel Communications Corporation

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Verses: EMI, RFI
Author: at P_Internet_mail
Date:    8/23/96 4:02 PM

          The question duly asked,
          What meaning's then attached
          When one says RFI's on hand,
          Another's EMI is banned?
          And why two experts, old and wise,
          Cannot their terms in one comprise
          This thing on which they both must toil;
          Does one say "dirt", the other "soil"?
          Now then, the matter's at a boil
          And since the fight's about to be
          A tussle wondrous that we'll see,
          Lets muddy more the waters free
          And ask, why call it "EMC"?
          He paused but once to laugh most ill,
          And, having worked his evil will,
          Turned quick away from on our sill
          To some dank fen or misty hill;
          He fled. And that's the story still!

        Cortland Richmond

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Re: EMI verses RFI
Author:  "Chris Dupres" <> at internet
Date:    8/23/96 1:53

Hi Kathy
You wrote:
> I am a safety person who needs to answer a question 
> from one of our sales people on the question of
> "EMC" verses "RFI".  
> Is there anyone out there who can explanation the 
> differences between "EMC" and "RFI" and how they 
> relate to each other.
Essentially :
EMC is Electromagnetic Compatibility, the ability of equipment to 
neither produce interference, nor be affected by interference from 
RFI is Radio Frequency Interference, which strictly means undesirable 
intrusive Radio Frequency activity. (I believe RF is 100kHz to 30MHz). 
i.e. the stuff that EMC tries to ignore!
Nowadays the more common and more useful term for such interference 
is EMI  (Electromagnetic Interference) which is the same thing but 
with no implied frequency range (d.c. to Light)
For interest, and to see if I can remember: 
AF  = 0 - 30kHz
LF  =  30 kHz - 100kHz
RF = 100kHz - 30MHz
HF = 30MHz - 100MHz
VHF = 100MHz - 700MHz
EHF  etc. etc.
I'm probably wrong, usually am.
Chris Dupres
EMC Specialist. VG Microtech.
tel +44 (0) 1825 761077
fax +44 (0) 1825 768343
'Opinions expressed are personal, not necessarily Corporate'

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