You asked:

> Do all EU countries have similar laws to the UK?


The Individual States of the EC are obliged to carry out the 
requirements of the EMC Directive.  This they do in their own way, 
the commonality being provided by Harmonized Standards (ENxxxx) and 
consultative committees.

Essentially the laws should all be the same 'In Spirit', but detail 
differences do exist.  The Laws are all sufficiently similar to 
permit the CE mark applied in one state to be valid in all states.

One example is that Germany require the CE Mark to be applied to the 
actual product, the UK requires that it may be applied to things that are 
identified with the product, manuals, guarantees etc. rather than 
the product itself. 

There are probably hundreds of similar examples, and this forum is 
the ideal place to air the sillier ones.

Chris Dupres
EMC Specialist. VG Microtech.
tel +44 (0) 1825 761077
fax +44 (0) 1825 768343
'Opinions expressed are personal, not necessarily Corporate'

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