Following is an E-mail response from a UK EMC consultant that we depend   
on for issues such as this:

Hi Doug

Still a point of clarification on the EN 61000.3.2 implementation dates.   
forward on page 2 of the standard states:
 " For products which have complied with EN 60555-2:1987  before   
shown by the manufacturer or by a certification body, this previous EN   
continue to apply for placing product on the market until 2001-01-01"
This is the date of withdrawal of the EN 60555-2:1987 either standard can   
used until that date for demonstrating compliance of products within the   
of the EN 60555:1987.  Following that date all new products (designs),   
must be
tested against the new standard for compliance.  Existing products   
continue to be marketed calling up the EN60555:1987 standard until   

The A12 amendment, in addition to making allowance for equipment which   
did not
come under the scope of EN60555:1987 to comply by 1998-06-01,  also   
1997-01-01dates above to 1998-06-01 i.e  June 1st 1998.

 I hope that clears the situation up I can only apologise on behalf of   
and the Commission for turning a simple situation into chaos. I can fax   
you a
copy of A12 if you do not have it.

Sent:  Wednesday, July 24, 1996 11:13 AM
To:  Doug_Frazee; emc-pstc
Subject:  Re: A12 to EN 61000-3-2

Great Question!!

As near as I can tell the following is true...

1. A12 WAS voted down.
2. Due to massive inertia from the ITE industry, national authorities are
acting as if the
    amendment applied.

Hope this helps....

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