Bob Johnson wrote: 

>I would tend to discount some of the war stories about low voltage 
>electrocution. I suspect many are urban legends (invented or embelished 
>but passed around often and long enough to give some air of authority), 
>and others have not been given due investigation for such problems 
>as higher voltage leakage currents, internal catheters and similar side 

Sorry Bob, the story was not fabricated nor imbelished.  I was a project 
engineer at UL Santa Clara at the time that the guy was electrocuted in his 
swimming pool due to the lens of the 12 volt pool light fixture breaking, and 
Harry Kavanaugh (now retired) and Wally Wedekind (retired eons ago) had the job 
of formulating requirements that would prevent a recurrance. Later I wrote the 
standard on swimming pool transformers, the type  which would provide the 
required isolation. I mention writing that standard as an aside because I know 
of no other instance where the first draft of a proposed standard was written 
by single individual. Usually it is a group effort. The Santa Clara office was 
a small group back then, only about 12 engineers when I started. Come to think 
of it, that probably makes me older than dirt, but what the heck. 


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