Just a few comments on some of the comments already posted in this forum.

David from HP in Australia was correct in all he related (with the slight
exception of saying the CE mark will be required from 1 Jan 97.  He meant of
course the 'C' tick mark).  The EMC Framework will be applicable to all product
in the long term but will concentrate on IT equipment to begin with.  EMC people
have always had this fascination it seems with the IT industry!

Telecommunications approvals however are the main issue for ITE in Australia and
the EMC Framework requirements are nothing new for any product requiring AUSTEL
approval/permits.  AUSTEL have required products comply with AS 3548 for EMC for
nearly two years now.

An additional sippet of information you may like to store in some dark recess is
that AUSTEL and the Spectrum Management Authority (SMA - the regulator
responsible for EMC and the body responsible for introducing the new EMC
Framework that David mentioned) will be merging into one single regulating body
in Jul 97.  AUSTEL will be introducing the 'C' tick mark as a requirement for
telecommunications product before this.  This will also apply to virtually all
ITE as the telecommunications regulations in Australia are such that any device
connected to a DTE (Data terminal equipment - connected directly to a
telecommunications network) is required to be also approved.

The 'C' tick mark to be introduced in Australia will have significantly
different implications to the EC mark.  The SMA and AUSTEL want the 'C' tick
mark to be a regulatory mark.  This of course is different to the CE mark which
was really introduced as a customs mark and is not considered a regulatory mark
nor could it be in reality.  I am sure there are many people out there who will
challenge that statement, both from within Europe and from outside Europe.  The
discussions on this subject could go on for hours so I do not wish to entre into
that now as I am a bit pressed for time.

Best regards,

Kevin Richardson                                        Ph:    043-29-4070
Stanimore Pty Limited                                   Fax:   043-28-5639
"The Technology Requirements Specialists"               Int'l: +61-43-xx-xxxx

Email:  Internet:  100356....@compuserve.com            Compuserve: 100356,374

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