Drafts are being circulated at various stages of the process for: revisions to EN 50082-1, the residential, commercial and light industrial immunity standard;
revisions to EN 50082-2, the industrial immunity standard, IEC 1326-1 EMC requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use: general requirements, IEC 1326-10 particular requirement for equipment in close proximity or direct contact with an indusrtrial process, IEC 1326-20 particular requirements for equipment used in laboratories or test and measurement areas with a restricted electromagnetic environment. IEC 1326-30 particular requirements for portable test and measurement equipment that is powered by battery or from the measured circuit. (these latter 4 will become EN61326-1, -10, -20 & -30 when adopted by CENELEC for European purposes) EN55105 Immunity requirements for telecomunications terminal equipment EN55106 (possibly to be named EN50024 Immunity requirements for information technology equipment (non-TTE) EN12016 EMC product family standard for lifts, escalators and passenger conveyors - emmissions awaiting listing in the OJ are EMC immuity standards for: EN510130 components for fire, intruder and social alarm systems , EN61131-2 Programmable controllers, Electrical requirements and tests (this includes EMC immunity) These and possibly other product or family specific EMC standards that I have missed as well as directives that have their own EMC requirements outside the EMC directive will call up various immunity tests from the IEC1000-4 series or its European equivalent. EN61000-4 series or ENV series pre-standard where draft or revisions are not ready. or judged not suitable. All the above are likely to published or listed some time this year or early next. Following the adoption of a revised Memorandum 6 by CENELEC a uniform 4 year transition will be applied in any updated standard. This does not apply explicitly to new product or family specific standards where these replace the generic standards for those products but it is understood that there is a good chance of this 4 year transition being applied in these cases If the drafts are confirmed the basic standards for immunity tests that that will be called up are:- EN50081-1:- ENV50140 (in lieu of EN61000-4-3) radiated RF ENV50141 (in lieu of EN61000-4-6) conducted RF EN50204 radiated RF from digital radio-telephones EN61000-4-2 electrostatic discharge EN61000-4-4 electrical fast transients EN61000-4-5 surges EN61000-4-8 power frequency magnetic fields EN61000-4-11 voltage dips and interruptions EN50082-2:- as EN50082-1 EN55105:- ENV50140 ENV50141 ENV50142 (in lieu of EN1000-4-5) EN61000-4-2 EN61000-4-4 EN61000-4-11 EN55106 (EN55024):- ENV50140 ENV50141 ENV50142 EN61000-4-2 EN61000-4-4 EN61000-4-8 EN61000-4-11 EN61326-1:- ENV50140 ENV50141 EN61000-4-2 EN61000-4-4 EN61000-4-5 EN61326-20:- as EN61326 -1(but different limits) EN61326-30 ENV50140 EN61000-4-2 Nick Rouse