I attended a conference in Amsterdam on March 18th (had to dump my
poor wife in a motel on Cocoa Beach for the week-end to do it) where
Mr. Joergen Richter of DG XIII introduced a draft for the new
Connected Telecommunications Directive (CTE).  The gist of the
story is that the Commission is having a change of heart on how to
best regulate.  The point was made repeatedly that under the current
system they can't track the original parties that made the 
declaration.  They want to go even so far that they want the
notified bodies to hold the files WITHOUT LOOKING AT THE FILES and
require that the EC mark comes with the number of the notified body
that holds the files, even for a Module A conformity assessment.
(Needless to say, the Notified Bodies were less than enthralled with
that notion).  The fun is only beginning.



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