EN61010-1 was listed as a harmonised standard under
the LVD in November 1993 (OJ 93/C319/02). IEC825
is cited directly in section 2.1 of EN61010-1 as a
normative reference but would in any event be invoked by
by section 14.1 that states that where safety is involved
components shall comply with applicable safety 
requirements in relevant IEC standards. Ammendment
2 to EN61010-1 (although this is not yet listed ) expands
further on this use of IEC standards and gives a little 
flow chart on their application.
Having said all this it should be borne in mind that 
compliance to harmonised standards is not absolutely
mandatory for compliance with the LVD. The catch is
that if you do not fully conform, then from next year you
will need detailed documentation in advance of
marketing showing how you achieve equivalent safety
to that given by the harmonised standards.
Nick Rouse 

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