Mr. Robert Johnson accepted NPSS's invitation to make a technical
presentation on IEC TC74 activities at the next meeting. The Apr'96
meeting is our annual dinner meeting at the Radisson Inn Marlboro.
NPSS is starting at 6:00pm offering a $20 FOUR COURSE DINNER free to
paid members, $10 for non-members.  Please call the NPSS treasuer, Bob
Chaplis at 508-287-7597 or E-mail Bob at to reserve your
dinner/seat. NPSS will do everything possible to accommodate everyone
including non-members and walk-ins, but please RSVP before 17-Apr-96 to
assist NPSS in reserving the right amount of seats & dinners for the
final count.

           Annual NPSS Dinner Program
6:00pm  Welcome                 Art Michael, NPSS President
        NPSS Benefits
6:45pm  Four Course Dinner      Radisson Catering Staff
7:45pm  IEC TC74 activities     Mr. Robert Johnson, Digital Equipment 
8:00pm  NPSS Past-Presidents    Cliff Stark, EMC Corporation
        & outstanding service
8:15pm  Speaker from CPSC       Mr. Robert Moro, CPSC
        Introduction by         Bruce Languir, Bose
9:30pm  Closing Remarks         John Freudenberg, NPSS VP
                                Thank You to NPSS Dinner Committee      

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>From Mon Apr  1 22:45:02 1996
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 96 09:48:39 EST
From: "Brought to you by Johnson's Vax" <>
Cc: mail11:;;;;;;;;; 
Subject: IEC TC74 activities
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There was a meeting last week of IEC TC74, working group 8 in Lannion,
France, last week. Thought you may be interested in some of the
developments. The final work was being done for the third edition of
IEC 950 and plans were being laid for the future.

The plan is to develop a boolean version of IEC 950. The result would
be a simple logical expression into which responses for product design
can be entered and determine whether a product passes or does not pass
the product safety requirements. Expectations are that this will reduce
the review of products to a simple process of examination and tests by
a lab tech, eliminating the need for product safety engineers.

Bob Johnson

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