
If you like to be informed aboud scanners you can subscribe to
 the mailing list server for the AR8000 from AOR 
with the clasical text:
 subscribe ar8000 <your E-Mail adr.>

There are also Newsgroups like:
  rec.radio.scanner or alt.radio.scanner

Features example for the AR 8000 from AOR;
- frequency range continious without gap from 150 kHz till 1950 Mhz.
- frequency steps 50Hz till 500kHz
- modes: NFM, AM, USB, LSB, CW, WFM
- searches on frequency (specify desired range, step, mode, ..)
- scan specific frequencies (individual freq.)
- store frequencies to bypass (individual freq.)
- attenuator, squelch
- configure in between channel wait times
- etc..

With the AR8000 (its not the only one of course) its possible to control
 the features from a PC (in, out and signal strenght data; rs232 connector
 ttl level; RS232 level converter interface CU8232 or similar). 

The AR8000 receiver is a triple convertion receiver:
 50 ohm BNC input followed by 7 fixed not tunable different input filters :
(.1 - 30 Mhz; 30-110; 110-165; 165-240; 240-470;470-820; 820-1950 Mhz)

 1st I.F. 736.250 Mhz or 275.450 Mhz depending on freq. range;

 2end I.F. 40.05 Mhz monolitic cristal filter

 3th I.F. 10.7 Mhz or 456.5 kHz ceramic filter depending on opperating mode;

 SSB/CW  4 kHz (-6db), 15 kHz (-50db)
 AM/NFM 12 kHz (-6db), 25 kHz (-60db)
 WFM   180 kHz (-6db), 800kHz (-50db);

For example the AR3000A can be equiped with a SDU5000 Spectrum
 display unit, etc..

I don't know other brands exept ham radio types, those are not designed
 for the same purpose and don't have, mostly, the continious frequency range.

Hope this give some answer to your request for info Moshe.

moshe valdman wrote:
> I'm interested in the potential use of low cost scanners as "low end" 
> receivers\spectrum analyzers. My problem is I don't know anything about how 
they work,
> Can someone give a brief explanation or/and point me to some technical 
> information (preferably on the web).

Paul Rampelbergh
Wezembeek-Oppem (Belgium)

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