The discussion on IT power systems has returned me to a subject which has
caused problems for some time. In Australia TT and IT power systems are
not allowed, and a PE is always provided. This makes life relatively
straight forward locally, but as some of our equipment has features which
rely on this situation, it causes problems when we export products where
the power systems are inconsistent.

A main problem is that there is a general lack of appreciation that the
equipment requirements can vary depending with the power system. It is
also common that a customer, often including technical types, are not even
aware there are different types of power systems. Now it is possible to
make most equipment double insulated and compatible with almost all
requirements for the different systems, but for some types of equipment
this requires a reduction in functions or features in the equipment, or
versions with different implementations.

There are a number of lists available on the net which list voltages and
even plug types for various countries, but we really need some more
details, including;
PE availability (always, where required or installation specific, rarely)
Power System (TN-(C, C-S, S), TT, TI other)
Voltage tolerance.
Is any one aware of a comprehensive listing of this nature?

>From the discussions re Norway, it appears that would be a useful tool.
Chris Healy
Liaison Manager, Standards and Approvals

email       :          JNA Telecommunications Limited
Ph (direct) : +61 2 9935 5728         16 Smith St, Chatswood, NSW 2067
Fax         : +61 2 9417 3862           AUSTRALIA

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