I have one exception to your response, Manny. A product specific
immunity standard, EN 55104:1995 has been issued for household
appliances that takes precedence over the EN 5082-1:1992 generic
immunity spec.  Therefore, the correct answer is:

1.)  Broadcast receivers/assoc. equip.
        emissions:  EN 55013:1990       immunity:  EN 55020:1994

2.)  Household appliances
        emissions:  EN 55014:1993       immunity:  EN 55104:1995

Doug Frazee
EMC Compliance Engineer
Alliant Techsystems, Inc.
Advanced Technology Applications
401 Defense Highway
Annapolis, Maryland  21401
Tel:    (410) 266-1793
FAX:    (410) 266-1853

>From:  barron_ma...@tandem.com[SMTP:barron_ma...@tandem.com]
>Sent:  Wednesday, April 02, 1997 5:50 PM
>To:    emc-p...@ieee.org
>Subject:       Latest EN Standards
>The following standards apply to the noted product types:
>      #1        EN55013         EN55020
>      #2        EN55014         EN50082-1
>                           Sincerely,
>                           Manny Barron
>                           Tandem Computers
>om>, lp...@mail.arc.nasa.gov, ltran@SENT 04-02-97 FROM SMTPGATE
>Can anyone advise me the latest EMC EN standards for the following
>categories in order to comply with Council Directive 89/336/EEC.
>1.      Sound & television broadcast receivers and associated equipment,
>radios, televisions, audio/video combination units.
>2.      Household electrical appliances, i.e., hairdryers, fans, fan heaters.
>Thanks and regards,
>Raymond Li
>Dixons Stores Group

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