Relative to your comments in the attached Email on testing MOVs

3.  In my opinion, use of these parts must include a disconnect means to 
the fault case.

About fusing MOVs

I have an application designed for the US market and now being considered 
for the European market.  It can be powered from 48 to 250 VDC or 120 to 
240VAC.  Presently there are MOVs line to line and each line to ground. For 
EMC emission reasons I need to recycle the design.
I have witnessed the same events you describe and have read the various 
postings concerning surge suppression.  MOVs obviously require some care in 
applying both from an engineering and standards point of view.  I have 
considered limiting impedances but I believe I couldn't afford more than 
100 ohms and I believe I am just shifting the problem out a few standard 
deviations from occurring. 

I have thought about fusing.  It appears that I would need two fuses since 
I could be sourced from US 240 with two hot circuits (a floating neutral).  
I could restrict the application to systems with neutrals referenced to 

My application does not like fuses (a protective relay) so I also have 
considered using Positive Temperature Coefficient "PTC" ceramic fusing 
devices from Murata.  They are sold as protection devices for transformer 
overloads and have voltage ratings up to 265 Volts.  On over current they 
open like a fuse and therefore would limit the joule exposure to the MOV, 
after the event they would recover and I would be powered again.  Of course 
I would need to coordinate the reaction time to the joule ratting of the 
Does anyone have experience in this area?
I have also considered scrapping MOVs altogether! Using passive inductors, 
Caps resistors to pass surge.  I am still foggy on the restrictions imposed 
by the LVD versus local safety standards.  Any feed back would be 

Does any one know of good sources for inductors used in this application?  
I have calls into Siemens USA to get catalog on their VDE 565-2 recognized 


Chris Wells
Sr Des. Eng.
Original Text
From: C=US/A=INTERNET/DDA=ID/bobdb(a)VNET.IBM.COM, on 5/15/97 10:36 PM:

Several years ago I tested MOV devices from several manufacturers.  All had 
nominal rating of 70 volts and 10 joules.  My testing forced breakover with 
10-ohm limiting resistor.  Source voltage was 120 mains and simple 
rectifier.  The results were quite interesting and (my opinion) point out
that the circuit designer must consider all aspects of a part when used in
a safety-sensitive application.

1.  All parts failed rather violently, with a large plume of dense smoke 
some flaming, as the overcoat materials decomposed and burned away.

2.  Following the flaming stage was a 'cooking' stage.  These parts 
to approximately 7 volts breakover zener characteristic and soaked up the
high energy available.  Judging by the white-hot color the surface 
was approximately 1200 C.  I let several of these tests run for 10 
these are very rugged parts, basically a ceramic sprayed with metallic
coating for lead connection.  Some of the parts lost connectivity and ended
the tests, but this is not reliable.

3.  In my opinion, use of these parts must include a disconnect means to 
the fault case.

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