Haitong EMC Inc.
Tel : 82-339-376-4117
Fax : 82-339-376-4118
Email : hait...@soback.kornet.nm.kr
Ryan Kim / President of Haitong EMC Inc. 

> :83= ;g6w: Ryan Kim <hait...@soback.kornet.nm.kr>
> 9^4B ;g6w: eric.lif...@natinst.com; emc-p...@majordomo.ieee.org
> A&8q: Re: Korea in a Nut Shell
> 3/B%: 19973b 8?y 1@O 1]?d@O ?@HD 3:45
> Haitong EMC Inc.
> Tel : 82-339-376-4117
> Fax : 82-339-376-4118
> Email : hait...@soback.kornet.nm.kr
> Ryan Kim / President of Haitong EMC Inc. 
> ----------
> > :83= ;g6w: eric.lif...@natinst.com
> > 9^4B ;g6w: emc-p...@majordomo.ieee.org
> > A&8q: Korea in a Nut Shell
> > 3/B%: 19973b 7?y 31@O 8q?d@O ?@@| 5:52
> > 
> > 
> What a surprise!
> Where did you get those wrong information on Korea
> EMI regulation.  I wish you have confidence before
> post your opinion.
> I made comment right after you message.  Please
  refer to the following.
> > ------------------ Your original message ------------

> > A past posting requested info about Korea EMC Requirements.  Here's
> > I've learned, condensed for your reading pleasure, and interpretted for
> > it's deeper meaning.
> > 
> > A foreign company must hire a Korean EMC lab to represent them for
> > government certification, and pay the lab accordingly for the emission
> > tests, report creation, and submission of the whole thing to the Korean
> > authorities - along with the required fee.  User manuals must be
> translated
> > into Hangul/Korean.  You might also have to provide full schematic
> diagrams
> > with the test report.
> > 
> ** What did you mean hire Korean EMC lab.  For the Korea
>    EMI, only Korea government authorized lab can issue the
>    report to apply for the final certi from the government.
>    Mostly in Korea (31 labs) and 4 in United States (IBM).
>    Why don't you apply for the Korea EMI lab accredition
>    instead of hiring Korea lab!  There is no law that other
>    contries lab can not apply for the accredition. 4 IBM labs 
>    approve the fact.  Normal charge for the test and report
>    is U$600 per model which is almost one third of America
>    lab charges.  Submission fee to the government is U$70
>    which is more than 1/10 of FCC application fee.  Korea
>    EMI lab issue the report and get test and report fee as
>    well as application from the applicant and submmit test
>    report to the government with submission fee without
>    extra charge.  What is wrong with that?  Also, EMI lab
>    get the certi and delivery to the applicant.  Certi
>    is issued within 3 days after the submission which is
>    really short period of time compared to the other countries.
>    User's manual must be translated in to Korean because
>    Korea government wants to let Korean people have the
>    Korean written manual for the purchasing imported devices.
>    If you do not translate your manual and supply with English
>    manual, how Korean people read your manual and understand
>    how operate?  We, Korean people have learn English to use
>    your products?  This is the reason why Korean government
>    want to see Korean written manual and let foreign manufacturers
>    supply their system with Korean written manual.  I don't see
>    any problem with that.  If Korea manufacturer supply its system
>    with Korean written user's manual, how American customer will
>    act?  Imagine!
>    Full circuit diagram must be provided?  Where did you get this
>    wrong information?  Only one page block diagran is needed.
>    If you even do not want to provide one page block diagram, its 
>    O.K.  Korea EMI lab draw the block diagram for you.
> > This must be repeated every year, and for each product.  Every year,
> every
> > product (plus fees!).
> > 
>    ** NO!  If your system is no more manufactured after one year, just
>       forget it.  If your system is keeping imported after the one year,
>       you are subjected to have test report to check the your system's
>       EMI condition to compare to the origition condition when you get
>       the EMI certi.  Thus, if you want have the report, apply to the
>       Korea EMI lab and get the test report.  We charge U$600 for the
>       test and report which is same as first test and report.  If we do
>       not have this kind of survellience system, how Korea government 
>       control the inspection.  Just get the Certi with good system and
>       sell bad system to the public without and limit?  And except
>       test and report fee, no other charge and submission fee is needed.
>       If your system is so good and very popular to the public in Korea,
>       and keep selling for more than year with one model, get just one
>       more report after one year.  I bet your system would not be popular
>       and would be closed within one year, then just forget about retest.
> > Now stop a minute and consider the impact to an imaginary company that
> > markets a relatively common but noticable number of products.  Let's
> > up the number 60 for products, and assume a work week in Korea is five
> days
> > long, and that we're using a typical lab with a typical open area test
> > site...
>    ** What company have the number 60 for products? Let me know.
>       Each model, let say one company have 5 computers with different
>       model name and spec.  If this company export 3 models to the
>       Korea, only 3 computers are subject to get EMI certi. 
>       Now, let's assume that you use my open site.
> > Each emission test takes two days to run, plus time to write and
> > the test report, maybe three days total.  (Labs tend to be notoriously
> slow
> > at doing reports, though.)
>   ** Each test take approximately 4 hours and issuing the report another
>       2 hours.  Which lab is so notoriously slow at doing report.
>      America lab spend at least one shift (8 hours) for the test. 
>      2-3 shifts for the one model.  And charge U$1500 (for example) for
>      shift.  So total test fee would be U$4,500 and spend 3 days.  And
> issuing
>      the report the next day.  So, approximately 4 days (if lucky) would
>      needed to get report with so much money.
>      Korea labs!  one day job for the test and report with U$600.  Test
> procedure
>      is same and testing equipment is same too compared to America lab.
>      Now, compare Korea lab to America lab.  Which lab is so fast with
> money.
>      One big Amreica company visited my lab 10 days ago with 2 computer
> systems.
>      I finished test within 1 shift and next day I issued report.  They
> were
>      so glad for the finishing so quickly with less money.  They expected
> more than
>      4 days staying in Korea because they have many such time consuming
> experience   
>      in Amreica.
>      If you want to see the proof, just contact me.  I will show you.
> > 
> > Three times 60 means that 180 EMI lab working days are required to
> > completely run through all the products our imaginary company makes. 
> That
> > amounts to 36 weeks or 9 months of almost continuous testing at one
>     ** I even do not want mention about this.  Because it is just your
> imagine
>        and mathemetical multiflying.  Last months, I finished 120 models
> test
>        and report and of course all of them got the certi. We work
> a 
>        day if we have many require without getting extra pay.  That means
>        we can finish 6 models a day with one test site.  Lab working days
> are
>        the term of America's not Korea's.  I really don't understand why
> you
>        put the meaning of working days.  Your people prefer to have not
> Korean.
>        We charge U$600 for the test and report per model not by testing
> hours
>        or shift.  So, I even do not know the meaning of "EMI Lab working
> days"
>        What does 36 weeks, 9 months mean?  Do you think we Koreans are
>        undeveloped country people?
> > 
> > Imagine if this company markets 120 products.  Now it needs 18 months
> > testing.  Oh darn, they don't make years that long, do they?  It's now
> time
> > for the EMC lab to work two shifts, or hire a 2nd lab!
> > 
>     ** Oh God,  getting deeper.  Send 120 products to me and I can finish
>        within one month for the certi.  My question.  What company
>        120 products within one month?  Let me know. I want to contatc
>        to make money within one month.  And we don't wait until 120
>        get test report.  We go for the one test and report get certi as
>        may, may know.
> > We have nearly 200 products now and are still growing.  (We can't
> obsolete
> > things nearly as often as we'd like, people still need QBus cards for
> their
> > good old PDP-11s.)  Anyway, we'd need 30 months now for a single shift
> > the lab, two shifts needs 15 months - whoops, still three months left
> over!
> > Gadfry!  we'd need three shifts!
>     ** I have one big American company customer.  They markets more than
> 600 
>        products per year to Korea.  They don't have any complain and very
> glad
>        to Korea regulation in terms of time and money.  200 products,
> of
>        cake.  Don't worry be happy.  Contact me for the Korea EMI.  If I
> spend
>        more than two months to get all of 200 system's EMI certi, I would
> not 
>        charge any cost.  Free! Free!
> >   
>        Instead, let's guess that Korea company has 200 products which
> marketing
>        to the United States.  How long time and how much money that Korea
> company
>        has to spend!!!!
> > So we've just determined that, for a company of our size, we would have
> to
> > purchase a Korean EMC lab (to assure access and priority, how else
> it
> > be done?) and staff it to run three shifts.  It would still take nearly
> an
> > entire year to finish the first round of testing.  Oh yeah, I was so
> > worried about just finding TIME to run the tests, I forgot to consider
> the
> > COST, or even if there are enough Korean labs to go around.
>    ** Your people work so slowly like that?  Then purchase my lab and
> me
>       as your test engineer and pay me U$3,000 per months.  Then I will
> finish
>       200 systems within 2 months and will relax, sit back for more than
> year
>       to wait another 200 products.  Cost?  200 products X U$600 =
> U$120,000.
>       You pay me just U$6,000 for two months salery and you can save
> U$114,000.
>       How much money Korea company has to pay to get 200 products FCC
> approval?
>       I bet you must underestimate Korea and Koreans!!! 
> > (Ha ha ha ha!)  *** No good!  What's so funny.
> > 
> > Good luck to the rest of you that have the TIME.  As for me,  I'm going
> to
> > sit back and watch the fireworks.
> > 
>    ** Good luck to you too.  I will sit back and wait until you purchase
>       lab.  Pay me U$ 1 million for my test lab.  It is cheap price since
>       my net profit is more than half million dollars per year.  
>       Be real!  Instead of sitting back, be a business man and try to
> money
>       not just complaing.
>    ** Wish to hear from you soon not compain but your opinion with
> information.
>    ** Bye now. I have to go for 20 system test which I got today.  
>  Best regards,
>  Ryan Kim
> > 

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