Hi Rich.

You dropped a p.s. which caught my cynical eye...
> ps:  My personal opinion is that the mains is to serve us,
>      the consumer.  We don't have to correct for linear
>      non-unity power factor loads, why do we have to correct 
>      for non-linear non-unity power factor loads?

My understanding is that the Committee (s) which grew IEC1000.3.2 and 
3.3. were comprised of, in the majority,  representatives from the 
Power Generating Industry, and the poor old consumer didn't get a 
look in.  Subsequently, the principle was set that any problems with 
the mains supply is the users, not the makers.   

Perhaps that is a gross over simplification, but that's how it seems to me.

They never had these problems with steam, or coal, or water mills, or 
windmills.....  maybe we should go back.

Chris Dupres
EMC Specialist. VG Microtech.
tel +44 (0) 1825 761077
fax +44 (0) 1825 768343
'Opinions expressed are personal, not necessarily Corporate'

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