%>I really don't know if this forum is the place to discuss the subject,
%>but I'm curious about competitive salaries for safety and compliance
%>professionals (my review is coming up and I need a negotiating
%>position).   If anyone knows of any surveys specific to the field,
%>please let me know.  If not, then if you have any suggestions on how to
%>collect data by email anonymously, let me know and I'll be glad to do
%>it.  The specific information I think is needed for a survey includes:
%>1. job title
%>2. years of experience (overall and safety related)
%>3. level of education (non degreed, BA, BS, MS, Ph.D.)
%>4. professional credentials (PE, CSP, etc.)
%>5. Type of employer (Government, Agency, Consultant, Manufacturer)
%>6. size of employer (small =<200,   med = 200-1000,   large =>1000)
%>7. location (US West, SW, South, East, Midwest, Asia, Europe, other)
%>8. Gross salary assuming usual benefits (health care, vacation, etc.) 
%>      including bonuses. All in US dollars.
%>If anyone sends me this data about themselves, I'll compile it in an
%>unscientific sort of way and report back the results without any names.       

I saw a magazine page posted on a cubicle wall a few months ago with 
the average salary of a variety of professions in the electronic field.
I think the figure for compliance engineers was $56K (not sure).

Max Kelson

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