Dear EMC-PSTC Group,

Please bear with me for a short survey.

I am interested in learning what is your interpretation of certain 
statements of compliance used on product documentation.  This is prior to 
any investigation into certificates and reports that may be available for 
the product.  Please check the appropriate response and if you wish make 
comments on how acceptable for use you feel a product is when you read these 
statements.  I will not initially comment as I want unbiased remarks.  If 
you want a copy of the results please indicate this in your reply.

1) "Designed to meet (safety standards list) ... "

  ___ highly acceptable
  ___ acceptable
  ___ no opinion
  ___ unacceptable

2) "Designed to meet (safety standards list) and tested by (self) ... "

  ___ highly acceptable
  ___ acceptable
  ___ no opinion
  ___ unacceptable

3) "Designed to meet (safety standards list) and tested by (third party) ... 

  ___ highly acceptable
  ___ acceptable
  ___ no opinion
  ___ unacceptable

4) "Complies with (safety standards list) and tested by (self) ... "

  ___ highly acceptable
  ___ acceptable
  ___ no opinion
  ___ unacceptable

5) "Complies with (safety standards list) and tested by (third party) ... "

  ___ highly acceptable
  ___ acceptable
  ___ no opinion
  ___ unacceptable

If you have the time and interest please include any other statements of 
compliance that you have seen or used.

As ever,

Doug Powell, Compliance Engineer
Advanced Energy Industries, Inc.
Fort Collins Colorado USA

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