Hi Rick:

>   After going looking at the site Rich Nute provided, I see no reference
>   to South American countries. Are South America countries part of the CB
>   scheme as well?


And none in Central America.

Only one in Africa.

Only three in Asia (China, Japan, and Singapore).

Only Israel in the Middle East.

Australia, but not New Zealand!

Remember, the CB Scheme is a scheme of mutual acceptance
of TEST DATA for the purpose of safety certification.  This
pre-supposes that safety certification is required in the
country of the NCB.

As Art Michael pointed out to me in a private e-mail, a 
pre-requisite for acceptance as an NCB in the CB Scheme is 
that the NCB be a nationally-recognized certification house.  
(Obvious?!!)  The presumption is that the NCB will accept CB 
test data for the purpose of national safety certification.  
If there are no national laws or rules for safety certification 
of products, then there cannot be an NCB.

So, one indicator that safety certification is required in
a country is whether or not the country has an NCB.  However, 
the absence of an NCB does not mean that safety certification 
is not required.  Consider Mexico and now Argentina.

Best regards,

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