
It's probably safe to assume NOT every participant on this listserver is
going to have access to or have an interest in reading the USA Today news
article you've mentioned so opinions formed and expressed based upon less
than all the facts would be an exercise in futility.

Your comment about a leak from an independent test lab suggests that it
originated from MET or AT&T
whether it was or was not printed in USA Today.

What I do know is this!

A couple of years ago while working for an independent test lab, I had met
the president of MET Labs for the first time.  It's no doubt in my mind that
even today the president and his staff are still the honest, courteous,
genuine hard-working professionals I have come to know.

Conveying suggestive opinions through the use of gossip is one of those
unspoken truths that exists primarily out of ones need for grabbing
headlines, hence, your message came to my attention and I have responded.

However, I don't see where it is appropriate for this discussion.



Question:  If the police arrest a mime, do they tell him he has the right to
remain silent??

Kate MacLean wrote:

Does anyone have any further knowledge (which they can share)
about the implications made in this article?   It talks about an
"anonymous" email being sent from Lucent in NJ to CNBC and
Tellabs, alleging problems with test data for Ciena products.  The
article says that the products were at that time being tested by
AT&T and Metlabs, and it also says that the email may have
helped scuttle the deal betwen Tellabs and Ciena, and drop
Cienca's shares by 85%.  Apparently, Lucent is investigating all
this internally.

I would have a hard time believing that such a leak could originate
in an independent lab.  It really is a very serious situation.
Any comments/views on this?

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