Dear EMC-PSTC Group,

I am trying to get some insight about what is really needed to sell into
Russia.  I have heard several different approaches from distributors, sales
persons and marketing types concerning compliance to The State Committee for
Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Gosstandart of Russia).

1)  Some say the requirement is for 1/1/99 (Certificate and marking the product)
others say 7/1/98 (for Certificate).  

2)  Some say it applies to both Safety and EMC others say just EMC.

3)  Some say it only applies to consumer products (not broadcast or video
storage products).

4)  Some say they can get an exemption (even say they have gotten them) this may
be something like a local inspection/evaluation.

5)  Does the operator's manual need to be in Russian?  If yes see 6).

6)  Seems Russia has many different languages which one(s) are acceptable?

I am interested in knowing what other compliance engineers are doing or
approaches they think will meet the legal requirements, if any apply.

All suggestions are welcome.

Thanks for your help!

Ed Wesel
Regulatory Compliance
Tektronix Inc
phone 503 627-1666

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