We are about using LVDS (Low Voltage Differential Signaling) technology to
transfer high speed video data to a XGA display 1 m from the driver board.
Differential signaling is very good to improve EMC characteristics of the
link, but in my opinion is also very critical in actual layout: any lack of
symmetry can jeopardize its performances.

Has anybody esperience with these circuits?
How much EMI behaviour depends on equal signal paths?
Is it advisable to shield cables?
What does a discontinuity on the transmission line (change in
characteristic impedence) produce?

Thanks in advance for any comment

ESAOTE S.p.A.                         Massimo Polignano
Research & Product Development       Regulatory Affairs
Via di Caciolle,15                   tel:+39.55.4229402
I- 50127 Florence                    fax:+39.55.4223305
               e-mail: regr...@esaote.com

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