Hello group,

I recently carried out a conducted emission in our unlined screen room with no
EUT connected. I.e just the LISN inside and measuring receiver outside the
room. I was expecting the plot to be a horizontal line and very low perhaps in
the region of 10 or 20dB. Instead I noticed that the plot starts at about 40dB
at 150kHzand decreases to about 20dB at around 1MHz and then after that is a
horizontal line all the way to 30MHz. Bearing in mind that the room is very
well grounded and I use a reputable measuring device. My questions are:

1-Is this what one would expect to see?
2-Why the noise floor so high in an screen room?
3-What can we do to reduce the noise floor?
4-What is the best method to ensure that the room is O.K?

Any help and advice is appreciated.

With regards

E-mail: peterh...@aol.com 

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