Hi Glyn:

Two comments:

1)  In a power cord, two conductors must be identified, one
    being the protective earthing conductor, the other being
    the neutral conductor (assuming a polarized connection
    to the supply).

    Here are the required identification colors according to 
    European Norms and the USA National Electrical Code 
    (NFPA 70), Article 400-22(c) (for jacketed cords provided 
    with appliances):

    Standard     Protective      Neutral        Live/Line
                 conductor       conductor      conductor
    --------     ----------      ---------      ---------

    IEC/EN       Yellow or       Light blue     Any (usually
                 Yellow/Green                   brown)

    NFPA 70      Green or        White          Any (usually
                 Green with      Natural gray   black)
                 yellow stripe   Light blue

    So, a European color-coded cord is legal in North America.
    (The Canadian Electric Code was similarly changed.)

    (Several years ago, the NEC was changed to provide for
    compatibility with European cords, so one cord could be
    used in both Europe and North America.)

    The NFPA alternative colors cannot be used for fixed wiring
    in the USA or Canada.

2)  "Harmonized" <HAR> cordage certification is available 
    only to cord manufacturers with a presence within the
    EU.  Other manufacturers must apply for certification in
    each country which requires cordage certification.

Best regards,

 Richard Nute                      Product Safety Engineer
 Hewlett-Packard Company           Product Regulations Group 
 AiO Division                      Tel   :   +1 619 655 3329 
 16399 West Bernardo Drive         FAX   :   +1 619 655 4979 
 San Diego, California 92127       e-mail:  ri...@sdd.hp.com 

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