Yup, here too.  I was just about to call our ISP and tell them to check my
mailbox for some EMC-mail magnet or something.  I trust it will be fixed by
the boys at the Top.

A. Bank

Chris Dupres wrote:

> Hi EMC and safety folk.
> Is it me, or is something re-sending a load of mails from the group over
> and over again.
> I clear my mail box, and during the next few hours a whole load of mails
> dated 20 Feb re-appear in my box.  I clear them, and it happens again.
> I've received the same mails on FCC stuff and CTI about five or six times
> thus far.  They were interesting the FIRST time!
> Anyone else getting this phenomenon?
> Chris Dupres
> Surrey, UK.

Andrew Bank
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