Well, someone said they saw this on tv 
and I don't doubt them. 

How do they grab codes off the air for phones? 

Regards,  Doug 

Flinders, Randall wrote:
> My question is. . . .
> Even with the keystrokes, how could they access the account without
> possession of the the ATM card?
> Regards,
> Randy Flinders
> EMC Test Engineer
> Emulex Network Systems
> Chairman
> Orange County Chapter
> IEEE EMC Society
>  ----------
> From:  Douglas Mckean
> Sent:  Tuesday, July 07, 1998 6:57 PM
> To:  emc-pstc
> Subject:  Re: Majordomo results: Re: odd immunity problems ?
>  ----------------------------------------------------
> How about ...
> The one where some creative types got some EMI(?) equipment
> to monitor the keystrokes of people at an ATM?
> Story goes that they sat in a van in a parking lot by the
> bank with antennas focused on the ATM.  Once you entered
> in your numbers, they could translate the EMI signature
> to keystrokes on the keypad.  After you left the scene,
> they drained your account.
> Never knew if that was UL or fact.


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