A few safety type markings are translated into French in Annex NAA of


Peter L. Tarver

> ----------
> From:         ron_pick...@hypercom.com[SMTP:ron_pick...@hypercom.com]
> Sent:         Tuesday, June 23, 1998 3:06 PM
>  Hello from quite sunny Arizona,
>  Is there a published collection of commonly used translations of phrases
> used 
>  for product labeling or in manuals, but primarily used for safety
> markings? 
>  Such a listing would be preferred to come from reputable translation
> services 
>  (UL, CSA, IEC, ???).
>  Or, does everyone privately compile a list of phrase translations as they
> are 
>  encountered for their own use?
>  For example, such phrases might be:
>  "Hazardous voltages inside.",
>  "No user serviceable parts inside",
>  "Replace only with same type and rating of fuse.",
>  "Refer servicing only to qualified service personnel.",
>  "DANGER - High Voltage", etc., etc., etc.
>  If someone knows of such a publication(s), please share that information 
>  including availability, experiences, translation accuracy, cost, etc.
> Having 
>  such a compilation would certainly be handy.
>  Or, am I trying to push a rope?
>  JTLYK, I have had good success using translation services and am only
> being 
>  curious if such a publication exists.
>  Anyway, looking forward to any and all replies.
>  Best regards,
>  Ron Pickard
>  ron_pick...@hypercom.com

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