Hello Petter
The only requirements to functional demands are found in  articlel 4 of the 
Directive,  stating that the apparatus must "operate as intended" during 
electromagnetic disturbances. Security demands are not addressed.

Who want this removed/changed? Can you give more information about this new 
discussion ?

Vagn Sylvest
DELTA Electronics Testing

>>> <petter.gar...@enator.se> 980616-09.42 >>>
Hello everybody

A new discussion has started in Europe about redesigning the EMC

Im intrested to know of this groups opinion.

The proposal is to remove the functional demands on products and only
have security demands for immunity testing.

To check the opinion of this group please reply to this mail direct to
me (not the list) with one of the following lines and Ill post a
compilation of the results.

1. YES , I agree with the removal of fuctional demands from the EMC

2. NO , Funktional demands should continue to be a part of the EMC

Ill start compiling the results at the end of this week (june 19) and
mail the results next week.

Thank you

Petter Gärdin
ENATOR Communications AB
P.O. Box 360

Email:                   petter.gar...@enator.se
Amateur Radio Callsign:  SM3PXO
Phone: +46 63 156233
Fax:   +46 63 156199

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