I have been asked to investigate the safety of a household Air 
     Cleaning device which uses an RF ION Generator to produce a low level 
     Ozone. The manufacturer of this device provided me with a CSA 
     Certificate that quotes the following standards:
     CSA Std C22.2No. 187-M1986
     Electrical Bulletins 750B
     ANSI/UL 867
     The manufacturer says that there is a sensor inside the unit that 
     shuts off the generator if it detects more than .05ppm of ions/ozone 
     in the room.  I know the American Heart Association is against such 
     devices but feels levels of .05ppm is safe. Same goes for the FDA.
     Does anyone out there have any experience with such household devices?
     Are they safe for humans over long exposure times?
     Did the manufacture apply the correct standards to the product?
     Do these devices really work producing only .05ppm of ozone?
     Does the FCC have anything to say about an RF ION Generator and the 
     radiated emissions they might produce?
     Anything else you can add would be most appreciated.
     Brian Kunde 
     Group Leader 
     Compliance Testing Center 
     LECO Corporation 
     3000 Lakeview Ave. 
     St. Joseph, MI  49085 
     (616) 982-5423 phone 
     (616) 982-8964 fax 

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