Brian, I have to assume that as the manufacturer, your company has taken on
the responsibility of ensuring compliance with the directives, applied the
CE mark and issued the Declaration. Now you want to sell an upgrade to the
equipment. Nothing has changed. You the manufacture are still responsible
for ensuring compliance of the upgraded equipment.  If the original
Declaration did not cover these options, then a new Declaration will be
required for the upgraded equipment.

Since the upgrades are expressly intended for use with your equipment and
not sold on the open market, I don't believe that they need to be CE marked.
        From:  Brian Harlowe []
        Sent:  Monday, August 02, 1999 11:57 AM
        Subject:  Upgrades

        Please can you give me some opinions on the following.

        I have a customer who has one of our Scientific instruments that he 
        wishes to upgrade.

        If I supply him with CE marked everything to allow him to carry out 
        this up grade and I also provide him with a detailed manual on how
        install and connect up these items to be emc compatible.

        Do my responsibilities end there and does the customer have to get 
        the instrument re tested and CE mark it?


        Brian Harlowe
        * opinions expressed here are personal and in no way reflect the
position of VG Scientific

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