To All:
For your information, a workshop on harmonic generation. Since the copy
function does not display the same format, you will find the formatted
document in the attachment.  

Dave George


A  2-day Workshop investigating issues concerning powerline harmonics
generated by electrical and electronic products

 Recent standards and legislation have called for limits on powerline
harmonic emissions from electrical and electronic equipment that could cause
increased product costs measured in billions of dollars!  This workshop will
examine the bases used to determine the present limits and develop positions
for the US to take in future developments.  For effective answers we must
have inputs from power utilities, manufactures and consumers.  Thus we wish

· Open a dialog on this subject between manufactures and electric supply
utilities in North America
· Develop a common understanding of the powerline mains environment and the
economic implications of various strategies for managing harmonic emissions
in public power distribution systems
· Develop US proposals for the International Electrotechnical Commission
(IEC) initiative revising the IEC harmonic emissions standard (Document IEC
61000-3-2) to cover electrical/electronic products connected to public
powerline mains distribution systems in North America
· Develop US proposals in the above IEC initiative to cover
electrical/electronic products connected to mains distribution systems in
the European Union and elsewhere throughout the world, which are as
consistent as possible with the US requirements

About half of the time will be devoted to prepared presentations with the
remainder to informal discussions among the participants.

Harmonics Workshop Agenda

1/28/98 A.M.

1. Power Quality & Resulting Issues 
· EMC Compatibility
· European Directives - EMC and LVD
· Phenomena 
· IEC 60555-2/3
· IEC 61000-3-2/3/4
· IEEE 519
· 77A/242/NP
· Statement of Issues
· Effected Parties
· Brief Overview/Outline of Workshop Program
2. Manufacturer Perspective/Concerns/Issues
· Costs
· Impact on Products and Product Availability
· Power Quality Issues (Immunity)
· etc.
3. Utility Perspectives/Concerns/Issues
· Costs
· Impact on Network
· Power Quality Issues (Emissions)
· etc.

1/28/98 P.M.

1. Overview of System Models (Theoretical Environment)
· Product Emissions
 Fundamental Current (Displacement PF)
 Harmonic Currents (Distortion Factor)
 Flicker (briefly only)
 Interharmonics (briefly only)
· Mains Environment
· System Impedance
· ITHD ---->  VTHD     (I*Z=V)
2. Typical Mains System Characteristics (Practical Environment)
· Impedances
· Critical Levels
· Experienced Levels
· IEC 61000-2-2 Compatibility Levels
· IEEE 519 Planning Levels
· Compatibility at What Points?  (Duplex Outlets, Pcc, ??)
3. Typical Load Characteristics (What "Lives" in the Environment)
· Emission & Immunity
· Lighting
· Consumer Equipment
· ITE Equipment
· Air Conditioning
· ASD's
· etc.

1/29/98 A.M.

1. Mitigation Techniques
· Overview
· Passive versus Active Methods
· Product Mitigation versus Centralized Mitigation
· Lighting Case Study
2. Economic Issues/Tradeoffs
3. Regulatory Philosophies
· Regulatory Philosophies & Consequences
· "Equal Rights" Philosophy
· Cost Tradeoffs - Costs versus Obtained Benefits
4. Agree Upon a Statement of Design Objectives
· Review Previous Material/Notes & Develop Consensus
· IEC 61000-2-2 and IEEE 519 - Are These Reasonable Design Goals (Planning
· Regional Differences 
 Network Topologies
 Regulatory Philosophies
· Conclusions
Agree to IEC 61000-2-2 and IEEE 519 levels?
Propose Different Levels?
5.  ACEC ad hoc Conclusions
· Limits for Professional ITE
· Japanese Situation - JEIDA
· Unfinished Work
Limits for non-ITE equipment
Balanced Three Phase Equipment
Low Volume Equipment
5.  Acquisition of Relevant Survey Data
· System Distortion Levels
· Incidence of Power Quality Problems Related to Harmonics
· System Impedances
6.  Process for Developing US Position(s)

1/29/98 P.M.

1. Summary and Re-Statement of Design Objectives (Consensus & Conclusions)
2. Reaction & Discussion
3. Next Steps
· Action Plan
· Alternatives
· ITIC Program
· Owners
4. Close of Meeting

Meeting Times: 
 January 28:  
7:30 am Registration and continental Breakfast
8:00 am to 4:00 pm workshop with possible ad hoc meetings in the evening
January 29:
8:00 am to 3:00 pm workshop with wrap-up and conclusions between 2:00 pm and
3:00 pm
Lunch will be served both days.
Harmonics Workshop Speakers 
1. Welcome & Overview     
 Jim McKim - Hewlett-Packard Company 
2. Manufacturer Perspectives/Concerns/Issues   
 Girts Zeidenbergs - IBM
3. Utility Perspectives/Concerns/Issues          
  Jean Bertin-Mahieux - Hydro-Quebec
4. Overview of System Models    
 Arshad Mansoor - Power Electronics Applications Center 
 Larry Conrad - Cinergy Corp.
5. Typical Mains System Characteristics         
 Larry Conrad - Cinergy Corp.
 Arshad Mansoor - Power Electronics Applications Center
 Dan Ward - Virginia Power
6. Typical Load Characteristics 
 Ed Yandek - GE Lighting
 Peter Philips - Harman International
 Jim McKim - Hewlett-Packard Company
7. Mitigation Techniques - Overview & Case Study        
 Jim McKim - Hewlett-Packard Company
 Ed Yandek - GE Lighting
8. Economic Issues/Tradeoffs
 David George - Unisys Corp.    
9. Regulatory Philosophies
 Jim McKim - Hewlett-Packard Company
10.   Statement of Design Objectives - Review & Discussion
 Suzette Albert - NCR Corp.
 Larry Conrad - Cinergy Corp.
11.   ACEC ad hoc Conclusions & JEIDA Requirements
 Ralph Calcavecchio - EMC Consultant
12.   Acquisition of Relevant Survey Data
 Ralph Calcavecchio - EMC Consultant 
13.   Process for Developing US Position(s)
 Ralph Showers - Prof. Emeritus,  University of Pennsylvania  
14.   Summary and Re-Statement of Design Objectives - Conclusions
 Don Heirman - Lucent Technologies 
 Bill Hanrahan - TIA
 Jack Kinn - EIA
15.   Reaction & Discussion
 Don Heirman - Lucent Technologies
 Bill Hanrahan - TIA
 Jack Kinn - EIA
16.   Next Steps
Don Heirman -Lucent Technologies
Bill Hanrahan - TIA
Jack Kinn - EIA
Date and Location:  January 28-29, 1999
Sheraton International Hotel at BWI Airport
7032 Elm Road, Baltimore, Maryland
Telephone:  410-859-3300
FAX:           410-859-0565
Please make your reservations directly with the hotel and cite "Harmonics
Workshop" or USEMCS Corp to get the $99.00 plus tax rate.  The hotel will
hold that price until 1/8/99.

 Registration Form          Contact:  Herb Mertel
Telephone:  760-741-3301   Fax:  760-741-5327





Daytime Phone___________________Fax_________________


Credit Card:  MC________Visa________Amex_______

Credit Card No:______________________________________

Expiration Date:______________________________________


Workshop Fees (to cover direct  expenses):
Two day workshop (by Jan 15, 1999)      $150    $_________
Two day workshop (after January 16*)    $200    $_________

                              Total Remitted

Check or Credit Card Number must accompany Registration.
Make check payable to U.S. EMC Standards Corporation in U.S. dollars drawn
on a U.S. bank.  Mail to: 
        Herb Mertel
        Mertel  Associates
        P. O. Box 300752
        Escondido, CA 92030

*With prior telephone or fax registration to Herb Mertel only.
The organizing committee reserves the right to substitute speakers, modify
the program, and restrict attendance or to cancel the workshop.   No refunds
will be made to individuals who cancel after January 15.  Substitutions are
allowed.  Attendance is limited and will be accommodated on a first come,
first serve basis.  Registration will be confirmed by fax or email for those
who advance register.    

Attachment: Harmonics Workshop 1.doc
Description: MS-Word document

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