Hi Dwight,

For a one-stop-shopping experience, try Ergonomics, Inc. at
www.ergonomicsusa.com. They have the stuff you need, however, their web
site is not especially useful because it doesn't provide details of the
probes. I suppose they think that's a crafty way get you to call them.
Anyway, I personally have not used them as I have, for the most part,
inherited my probes and other such stuff.

BTW, you may find a 50mm diameter ball bearing, but will it weigh 500g
+/-25g? And then you'l have to drill and tap it for an eyelet for the

I hope this helps.

Best regards,
Ron Pickard

                    Dwight Hunnicutt                                            
                    <dwight.hunnicutt@vina        To:     EMC PSTC 
                    -tech.com>                    cc:                           
                    Sent by:                      Subject:     impact /probes   
                    11/16/99 11:20 AM                                           
                    Please respond to                                           
                    Dwight Hunnicutt                                            

Mech testers-

Anyone know of sources for the UL1950 Impact Ball (500g, 50mm dia.)?
(I know of one online source, but $150 for a ball?!?  How about a
ball-bearing shop?)

Also, how about a source for the UL1950:
Test Pin (Fig. 20)
Telecom Test Probe (Fig. 16)


  DWIGHT HUNNICUTT   Sr.Compliance Engineer

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     T  E  C  H  N  O  L  O  G  I  E  S
     510-771-3349      520-244-2721 fax

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