---------- Forwarded Message ----------

From:   Chris Duprés, 100014,3703
TO:     "Tony Reynolds", INTERNET:reyno...@pb.com
DATE:   11/11/99 20:31

RE:     Copy of: D of C - Who Signs?

Hi Tony.

You asked...
< In other words is it acceptable to issue D of C's to 
     suppliers/customers which have been signed by someone who has left the


In the case of EMC in the UK, the Electromagnetic Compatibility
Regulations, statutory instrument SI 1992/2372, state that the declaration
be signed by a 'esponsible person',.  But in the 'Definition of Terms in
the front, the term 'responsible person' is defined as a company!

If the person who signs the documents retires, moves, dies, or whatever,
resposibility for the declaration simply moves upwards to the next
responsible person or a Director.  Basically, Directors still get the blame
if the original signer goes, after all, it is their company.

Chris Dupres
Surrey, UK.

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