Greetings EMC Professionals!

The Orange County Chapter of the IEEE EMC Society proudly presents "EMC 
Fest '99", a Colloquium and Exhibition on "Design for EMC" and "EMC 
Troubleshooting Techniques".

The festivities will be presented on October 4th at the DoubleTree Hotel in 
Costa Mesa, California.  Tutorials and Demos will cover:

* EMC Standards Update
* Inductance and EMC
* Signal Integrity and EMI
* EMC Troubleshooting Techniques
* Advanced EMC Issues

The event will feature the following industry leading EMC speakers:

* Dennis Ward of CKC Labs, Inc.
* Lee Hill of Silent Solutions
* Howard W. Johnson of Signal Consulting, Inc.
* Daryl Gerke of Kimmel Gerke Associates

For the nominal fee of $150  (Late registration fee has been waved), 
registrants receive access to a  full day of tutorials and demonstrations, 
an exhibit hall where EMC vendors will be displaying the latest in EMC 
design, testing, and debugging solutions, along with complementary 
continental breakfast, lunch, and a dinner/ reception.  A copy of the 
Colloquium record will be provided with each registration.  Drawings will 
be held for cool prizes - so don't miss it!

There is still time to register!  The registration deadline has been moved 
out to September 22nd to allow for more seats to be filled!  There are 
still plenty of seats available, grab yours now!  If you happen to miss the 
deadline - not to worry!  The Late Registration fee has been waved, so the 
price is still $150.00 - even if you pay at the door!  If you plan on 
paying at the door, please call and let us know you are planning on 
attending, so we can plan the event accordingly.

Specifics of the program outline and fee schedule are shown below.  For 
registration information, or a copy of the advance program, please contact 
the chapter chairman, Randy Flinders, at (714) 513-8012 or by email at

Program Outline:
October 4, 1999

7:30-8:30 AM
Registration, Exhibits, and Breakfast

8:30-9:30 AM
Overview of EMC Requirements
Dennis Ward, CKC Labs

Inductance and Radiated EMI in PC Boards And Cables
Lee Hill, Silent Solutions

Break / Exhibits

Inductance and Radiated EMI in PC Boards And Cables - cont.
Lee Hill, Silent Solutions

Complementary Lunch / Exhibits

Signal Integrity and EMI in High Speed Digital Designs
Howard W. Johnson, Signal Consulting Inc.


EMC Troubleshooting Techniques
Emissions and Immunity Solutions
Daryl Gerke, Kimmel Gerke Associates

Demonstrations, Exhibits, Reception/Dinner
and Prize drawings.


IEEE Members, registered by 9/22/99

IEEE Members at the Door on 10/4/99
$175.00 Now reduced to $150.00!

Non-IEEE Member additional charge

Full time students w/ student ID registered by 9/22/99

Colloquium Record, with advance registration

Colloquium Record, additional copies ordered by 9/22/99

Colloquium Record, additional copies on 10/4/99
$25.00 - Subject to availability


Randall T. Flinders
Orange County Chapter
IEEE EMC Society
714-513-8012 voice
714-513-8265 fax


  • EMCFest '99! Flinders, Randall
    • EMCFest '99! Flinders, Randall

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