First e-mail says they are going to publish an article and the second e-mail says that they are doing market research for some anonymous group. Me thinks something doesn't smell quite right.

Paul G. Slavens
Chief EMC Engineer
Acme Testing

Life is simple, Three seasons:
1. Steelhead
2. Baseball
3. Salmon

1)  Utilize outside or independent test facilites for EMC/EMI?
2)  Wish that test labs could better understand the manufacturer's
perspective of the lab?
3)  Have you ever wanted to provide certain feedback to the test lab but
were not sure how?4)  Feel that you get lost in the test schedule shuffle?
IF YOU ANSWERED YES TO ANY OF THE ABOVE QUESTIONS, THEN WE WANT TO HEARFROM YOU. READ ON:We are looking for 20-30 people who would be willing to assist us with a
survey regarding test lab utilization, regardless of the facilities size
that you use.  The goal of this survey is to obtain realistic, unbiased
feedback from those who use EMC facilities.  We are doing so in hopes of
obtaining information regarding certain trends which affect how you
source facilities.  Should enough feedback be provided, then we hope to
publish an article which characterizes these trends.
All responses will be treated as confidential.  We would like to stress
that we are not selling any sort of product or service, but are only
looking for honest opinions.
If you are interested in contributing to our survey, please express your
interest by directly emailing us.  Please provide a quick note which
tells us a little about yourself, your company, and your need for test
facilities.  Emailing us directly will help to maintain confidentiliaty
and avoid flooding the list.  We will then email you back with details
regarding participation in this survey.
----Thank you, your help is greatly appreciated.

From: J and P Global Acct <>
Reply-To: J and P Global Acct <>
Subject: Survey Concerns
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 1999 00:42:34 -0400

Wow.  Tough audience.  We're sorry if our request seemed so unreasonable,
but we were told that this e-mail list may be a friendly way to obtain
good input from a wide variety of people in the industry.  Here is the
basic scoop on the situation.

We are a research firm that has been contracted by a group (still
ambiguous, we know), who wishes to remain anonymous at this time, to do a
short study of some current trends and aspects of the compliance testing

We apologize for any ambiguity that this may present.  However, as
mentioned in our initial e-mail, we are looking for only as many people
as would feel free and open to share their opinions.  If you are
uncomfortable about any items that may be presented in our survey, you
may leave that section blank.  If you do not feel comfortable about the
entire concept, then we kindly ask that you do not respond at all.
Again, this is in no way a solicitation of any kind.  NO ONE will contact
you regarding your response!

Thank you,

G. Perry

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