
When i worked for NASA we also had water moccasins. They liked to get in the
cable trays and snuggle up next to the RG-9 coax cables, which were
indistinguishable from them.

Those snakes were highly poisonous and very aggressive. They were also BIG.
they could strike clear across the ( 1 lane) road, and if you threw rocks at
them, they would actually chase you. 

If you ever run into this problem, one way to get them is with a CO2 fire
extiguisher. they hate the cold and it drives them off.

 Another  way is to take a 10 ft piece of conduit, run a length of RG-223
thru it, leaving a loop at the far end. Then you ease up to the snake, slip
the loop over its head and PULL, decapitating it.  This takes nerve, because
to do this you must be well within the snake's striking distance. 

I never did it, but I have stood there (aghast) and watched one of our
technicians do it, several times.

Do not try this at home.


  At 03:47 PM 5/3/99 -0600, you wrote:
>Has anyone else noticed how rodents (Prairie dogs, squirrels, etc.) just
>_love_ polyethylene?  They must think it's candy.  Prairie dogs have chewed
>all the way to the center conductor of the coax at a couple of sites I've
>run and back in my Forest Service radio tech days we had to use C wire
>impregnated with a chemical that made it taste bad to the squirrels or they
>would chew it up.
>Sorta EMC related.......
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: []
>> 7. Ants and rodents. (You are only one step short of a picnic.)
>> Ed
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