Hi listmates,

We had some threads regarding "Awards for worst EMC/PS quality" in last 
month. Please allow me to put forward a tentative list of Awards for EMC.

1) <Discover new continent> Prize goes to "Jingling coins", presented by 
Douglas Mckean.         It created a big stir in discussing the new and 
un-regulate Radiated Emission from jingling coins. Over 25 Email 
2) <Adventure> Prize to "Helicopter as roller coaster" by Ed Price.     
Described a suddenly raised helicopter due to interference from the onboard 
UHF radio. Risky, but fortunate not suddenly dived. A similar story by Hans 
Mellberg about some truck drivers using their Ham radio to jeopardize BMW 
cars in Europe (PG 31!) 
3)  <Anonymous heroes> to "Apollo 11 anxiously waiting for EMC fixing" by 
Lou Gnecco. All EMC engineers are very proud of their important role in 
successfully launching Apollo 11.
4)  <Shortest comedy> to "Empty Prototype" by Brian Kunde. An conscientious 
but impatient Director mistook a concept box for product prototype and got 
amazing lowest emission level.

The above list is incomplete, waiting for you to add, especially for worst 
Safety. Thanks.

Barry Ma

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