Hi Jeff,
 The GPS directive is designated as 92/59/EEC (an html copy of it is attached). 
 It's posting info in the Official journal is NO. L 228 , 11/08/1992 P. 
 0024-0032. Sorry, I can't seem to find it again on the web. But, searching on 
 the following web site may produce it for you.
 I hope this helps.
 Best regards,
 Ron Pickard
______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: General Product Safety Directive 
Author:  "Bailey  Jeff" <jbai...@sstech.on.ca> at INTERNET 
List-Post: emc-pstc@listserv.ieee.org
Date:    3/29/99 9:25 AM
I have seen a few references to the a "General Product Safety Directive" on 
a few different web sites. 
The problem is that all I have seen are references and I can't seem to find 
any good information on this.
Can anyone tell me where I can download the text of this directive?  It is 
fairly easy to find the text of 
other directives but this one seems to be a little elusive.  :(
Jeff Bailey
EMC Technologist
SST Division of Woodhead Canada
Phone: (519) 725 5136 ext. 363
Fax: (519) 725 1515
Email: jbai...@sstech.on.ca
Web: www.sstech.on.ca
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<B>Council Directive 92/59/EEC of 29 June 1992 on general product safety</B><BR>
<I>Official journal NO. L 228 , 11/08/1992 P. 0024 - 0032  <BR> Finnish special 
edition....: Chapter 15 Volume 11 P. 169  <BR> Swedish special edition...: 
Chapter 15 Volume 11 P. 169</I><BR>



COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 92/59/EEC of 29 June 1992 on general product safetey  <BR>THE 
COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, <BR> Having regard to the Treaty 
establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 100a 
thereof, <BR> Having regard to the proposal from the Commission(1) , <BR> In 
cooperation with the European Parliament(2) , <BR> Having regard to the opinion 
of the Economic and Social Committee(3) , <BR> Whereas it is important to adopt 
measures with the aim of progressively establishing the internal market over a 
period expiring on 31 December 1992; whereas the internal market is to comprise 
an area without internal frontiers in which the free movement  of goods, 
persons, services and capital is ensured; <BR> Whereas some Member States have 
adopted horizontal legislation on product safety, imposing, in particular, a 
general obligation on economic operators to market only safe products; whereas 
those legislations differ in the level of protection afforde!
d to  persons; whereas such disparities and the absence of horizontal 
legislation in other Member States are liable to create barriers to trade and 
distortions of competition within the internal market; <BR> Whereas it is very 
difficult to adopt Community legislation for every product which exists or may 
be developed; whereas there is a need for a broadly-based, legislative 
framework of a horizontal nature to deal with those products, and also to cover 
 lacunae in existing or forthcoming specific legislation, in particular with a 
view to ensuring a high level of protection of safety and health of persons, as 
required by Article 100 a (3) of the Treaty; <BR> Whereas it is therefore 
necessary to establish on a Community level a general safety requirement for 
any product placed on the market that is intended for consumers or likely to be 
used by consumers; whereas certain second-hand goods should nevertheless  be 
excluded by their nature; <BR> Whereas production equipment, capita!
l goods and other products used exclusively in the context of a trade or 
business are not covered by this Directive; <BR> Whereas, in the absence of 
more specific safety provisions, within the framework of Community regulations, 
covering the products concerned, the provisions of this Directive are to apply; 
<BR> Whereas when there are specific rules of Cummunity law, of the total 
harmonization type, and in particular rules adopted on the basis of the new 
approach, which lay down obligations regarding product safety, further 
obligations should not be imposed on  economic operators as regards the placing 
on the market of products covered by such rules; <BR> Whereas, when the 
provisions of specific Community regulations cover only certain aspects of 
safety or categories of risks in respect of the product concerned, the 
obligations of economic operators in respect of such aspects are determined 
solely by  those provisions; <BR> Whereas it is appropriate to supplement the 
duty to o!
bserve the general safety requirement by an obligation on economic operators to 
supply consumers with relevant information and adopt measures commensurate with 
the characteristics of the products,  enabling them to be informed of the risks 
that these products might present; <BR> Whereas in the absence of specific 
regulations, criteria should be defined whereby product safety can be assessed; 
<BR> Whereas Member States must establish authorities responsible for 
monitoring product safety and with powers to take the appropriate measures; 
<BR> Whereas it is necessary in particular for the appropriate measures to 
include the power for Member States to organize, immediately and efficiently, 
the withdrawal of dangerous products already placed on the market; <BR> Whereas 
it is necessary for the preservation of the unity of the market to inform the 
Commission of any measure restricting the placing on the market of a product or 
requiring its withdrawal from the market except for those r!
elating to an event which is  local in effect and in any case limited to the 
territory of the Member State concerned; whereas such measures can be taken 
only in compliance with the provisions of the Treaty, and in particular 
Articles 30 to 36; <BR> Whereas this Directive applies without prejudice to the 
notification procedures in Council Directive 83/189/EEC of 28 March 1983 laying 
down a procedure for the provision of information in the field of technical 
standards and regulations(4)  and in  Commission Decision 88/383/EEC of 24 
February 1988 providing for the improvement of information on safety, hygiene 
and health at work(5) ; <BR> Whereas effective supervision of product safety 
requires the setting-up at national and Community levels of a system of rapid 
exchange of information in emergency situations in respect of the safety of a 
product and whereas the procedure laid down by  Council Decision 89/45/EEC of 
21 December 1988 on a Community system for the rapid exchange of i!
nformation on dangers arising from the use of consumer products(6)  should 
therefore be incorporated into this Directive and the above Decision should be  
repealed; whereas it is also advisable for this Directive to take over the 
detailed procedures adopted under the above Decision and to give the 
Commission, assisted by a committee, power to adapt them; <BR> Whereas, 
moreover, equivalent notification procedures already exist for pharmaceuticals, 
which come under Directives 75/319/EEC(7)  and 81/851/EEC(8) , concerning 
animal diseases referred to in Directive 82/894/EEC(9) , for products of animal 
origin  covered by Directive 89/662/EEC(10) , and in the form of the system for 
the rapid exchange of information in radiological emergencies under Decision 
87/600/Euratom(11) ; <BR> Whereas it is primarily for Member States, in 
compliance with the Treaty and in particular with Articles 30 to 36 thereof, to 
take appropriate measures with regard to dangerous products located within th!
eir territory; <BR> Whereas in such a situation the decision taken on a 
particular product could differ from one Member State to another; whereas such 
a difference may entail unacceptable disparities in consumer protection and 
constitute a barrier to intra-Community trade;  <BR> Whereas it may be 
necessary to cope with serious product-safety problems which affect or could 
affect, in the immediate future, all or a large part of the Community and 
which, in view of the nature of the safety problem posed by the product cannot 
be  dealt with effectively in a manner commensurate with the urgency of the 
problem under the procedures laid down in the specific rules of Community law 
applicable to the products or category of products in question; <BR> Whereas it 
is therefore necessary to provide for an adequate mechanism allowing, in the 
last resort, for the adoption of measures applicable throughout the Community, 
in the form of a decision addressed to the Member States, in order to cop!
e with  emergency situations as mentioned above; whereas such a decision is not 
of direct application to economic operators and must be incorporated into a 
national instrument; whereas measures adopted under such a procedure can be no 
more than interim measures  that have to be taken by the Commission assisted by 
a committee of representatives of the Member States; whereas, for reasons of 
cooperation with the Member States, it is appropriate to provide for a 
regulatory committee according to procedure III (b)  of Decision 87/373/EEC(12) 
; <BR> Whereas this Directive does not affect victims' rights within the 
meaning of Council Directive <a name="hlhl0"><font color=red>85</font></A><A 
 border=0 width=7 height=10 
src=http://europa.eu.int/search_icons/hlnext.gif></A>/<a name="hlhl1"><A 
 border=0 width=7 height=10 
 border=0 width=7 height=10 
src=http://europa.eu.int/search_icons/hlnext.gif></A>/<a name="hlhl2"><A 
 border=0 width=7 height=10 
 border=0 width=7 height=10 
src=http://europa.eu.int/search_icons/hlnext.gif></A> of 25 July 1985 on the 
approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the 
Member States concerning liability for defective  products(13) ; <BR> Wh!
ereas it is necessary that Member States provide for appropriate means of 
redress before the competent courts in respect of measures taken by the 
competent authorities which restrict the placing on the market of a product or 
require its withdrawal; <BR> Whereas it is appropriate to consider, in the 
light of experience, possible adaptation of this Directive, particularly as 
regards extension of its scope and provisions on emergency situations and 
intervention at Community level; <BR> Whereas, in addition, the adoption of 
measures concerning imported products with a view to preventing risks to the 
safety and health of persons must comply with the Community's international 
obligations, <BR>   HAS ADOPTED THIS DIRECTIVE: <BR> <BR>TITLE I Objective - 
Scope - Definitions   <BR>Article 1 <BR> 1.  The purpose of the provisions of 
this Directive is to ensure that products placed on the market are safe. <BR> 
2.  The provisions of this Directive shall apply in so far as there are no spec!
ific provisions in rules of Community law governing the safety of the products 
concerned. <BR> In particular, where specific rules of Community law contain 
provisions imposing safety requirements on the products which they govern, the 
provisions of Articles 2 to 4 of this Directive shall not, in any event, apply 
to those products. <BR> Where specific rules of Community law contain 
provisions governing only certain aspects of product safety or categories of 
risks for the products concerned, those are the provisions which shall apply to 
the products concerned with regard to the relevant  safety aspects or risks. 
<BR> <BR>Article 2 <BR> For the purposes of this Directive: <BR> (a) product 
shall mean any product intended for consumers or likely to be used by 
consumers, supplied whether for consideration or not in the course of a 
commercial activity and whether new, used or reconditioned. <BR> However, this 
Directive shall not apply to second-hand products supplied as antiques or a!
s products to be repaired or reconditioned prior to being used, provided that 
the supplier clearly informs the person to whom he supplies the product to that 
 effect; <BR> (b) safe product shall mean any product which, under normal or 
reasonably foreseeable conditions of use, including duration, does not present 
any risk or only the minimum risks compatible with the product's use, 
considered as acceptable and consistent  with a high level of protection for 
the safety and health of persons, taking into account the following points in 
particular: <BR> - the characteristics of the product, including its 
composition, packaging, instructions for assembly and maintenance, <BR> - the 
effect on other products, where it is reasonably foreseeable that it will be 
used with other products, <BR> - the presentation of the product, the 
labelling, any instructions for its use and disposal and any other indication 
or information provided by the producer, <BR> - the categories of consumers at 
erious risk when using the product, in particular children. <BR> The 
feasibility of obtaining higher levels of safety or the availability of other 
products presenting a lesser degree of risk shall not constitute grounds for 
considering a product to be 'unsafe' or 'dangerous'; <BR> (c) dangerous product 
shall mean any product which does not meet the defintion of 'safe product' 
according to point (b) hereof; <BR> (d) producer shall mean: <BR> - the 
manufacturer of the product, when he is established in the Community, and any 
other person presenting himself as the manufacturer by affixing to the product 
his name, trade mark or other dinstinctive mark, or the person who reconditions 
the  product, <BR> - the manufacturer's representative, when the manufacturer 
is not established in the Community or, if there is no representative 
established in the Community, the importer of the product, <BR> - other 
professionals in the supply chain, insofar as their activities may affect the 
y properties of a product placed on the market. <BR> (e) distributor shall mean 
any professional in the supply chain whose activity does not affect the safety 
properties of a product. <BR> <BR>TITLE II General safety requirement   
<BR>Article 3 <BR> 1.  Producers shall be obliged to place only safe products 
on the market. <BR> 2.  Within the limits of their respective activities, 
producers shall: <BR> - provide consumers with the relevant information to 
enable them to assess the risks inherent in a product throughout the normal or 
reasonably foreseeable period of its use, where such risks are not immediately 
obvious without adequate warnings, and to  take precautions against those 
risks. <BR> Provision of such warnings does not, however, exempt any person 
from compliance with the other requirements laid down in this Directive, <BR> - 
adopt measures commensurate with the characteristics of the products which they 
supply, to enable them to be informed of risks which these produc!
ts might present and to take appropriate action including, if necessary, 
withdrawing the product in  question from the market to avoid these risks. <BR> 
The above measures shall for example include, whenever appropriate, marking of 
the products or product batches in such a way that they can be identified, 
sample testing of marketed products, investigating complaints made and keeping 
distributors  informed of such monitoring. <BR> 3.  Distributors shall be 
required to act with due care in order to help to ensure compliance with the 
general safety requirement, in particular by not supplying products which they 
know or should have presumed, on the basis of the information in their  
possession and as professionals, do not comply with this requirement. In 
particular, within the limits of their respective activities, they shall 
participate in monitoring the safety of products placed on the market, 
especially by passing on information  on product risks and cooperating in the 
action t!
aken to avoid these risks. <BR> <BR>Article 4 <BR> 1.  Where there are no 
specific Community provisions governing the safety of the products in question, 
a product shall be deemed safe when it conforms to the specific rules of 
national law of the Member State in whose territory the product is  in 
circulation, such rules being drawn up in conformity with the Treaty, and in 
particular Articles 30 and 36 thereof, and laying down the health and safety 
requirements which the product must satisfy in order to be marketed. <BR> 2.  
In the absence of specific rules as referred to in paragraph 1, the conformity 
of a product to the general safety requirement shall be assessed having regard 
to voluntary national standards giving effect to a European standard or, where 
they exist,  to Community technical specifications or, failing these, to 
standards drawn up in the Member State in which the product is in circulation, 
or to the codes of good practice in respect of health and safety in the !
sector concerned or to the state of the  art and technology and to the safety 
which consumers may reasonably expect. <BR> 3.  Conformity of a product with 
the provisions mentioned in paragraphs 1 or 2 shall not bar the competent 
authorities of the Member States from taking appropriate measures to impose 
restrictions on its being placed on the market or to require its  withdrawal 
from the market where there is evidence that, despite such conformity, it is 
dangerous to the health and safety of consumers. <BR> <BR>TITLE III Obligations 
and powers of the Member States   <BR>Article 5 <BR> Member States shall adopt 
the necessary laws, regulations and administrative provisions to make producers 
and distributors comply with their obligations under this Directive in such a 
way that products placed on the market are safe. <BR> In particular, Member 
States shall establish or nominate authorities to monitor the compliance of 
products with the obligation to place only safe products on the!
 market and arrange for such authorities to have the necessary powers to take 
the  appropriate measures incumbent upon them under this Directive, including 
the possibility of imposing suitable penalties in the event of failure to 
comply with the obligations deriving from this Directive. They shall notify the 
Commission of the said  authorities; the Commission shall pass on the 
information to the other Member States. <BR> <BR>Article 6 <BR> 1.  For the 
purposes of Article 5, Member States shall have the necessary powers, acting in 
accordance with the degree or risk and in conformity with the Treaty, and in 
particular Articles 30 and 36 thereof, to adopt appropriate measures with  a 
view, inter alia, to: <BR> (a) organizing appropriate checks on the safety 
properties of products, even after their being placed on the market as being 
safe, on an adequate scale, up to the final stage of use or consumption; <BR> 
(b) requiring all necessary information from the parties concerned; <BR!
> (c) taking samples of a product or a product line and subjecting them to 
> safety checks; <BR> (d) subjecting product marketing to prior conditions 
> designed to ensure product safety and requiring that suitable warnings be 
> affixed regarding the risks which the product may present; <BR> (e) making 
> arrangements to ensure that persons who might be exposed to a risk from a 
> product are informed in good time and in a suitable manner of the said risk 
> by, inter alia, the publication of special warnings; <BR> (f) temporarily 
> prohibiting, for the period required to carry out the various checks, anyone 
> from supplying, offering to supply or exhibiting a product or product batch, 
> whenever there are precise and consistent indications that they are 
> dangerous; <BR> (g) prohibiting the placing on the market of a product or 
> product batch which has proved dangerous and establishing the accompanying 
> measures needed to ensure that the ban is complied with; <BR> (h) organizing 
> the effective and imme!
diate withdrawal of a dangerous product or product batch already on the market 
and, if necessary, its destruction under appropriate conditions. <BR> 2.  The 
measures to be taken by the competent authorities of the Member States under 
this Article shall be addressed, as appropriate, to: <BR> (a) the producer; 
<BR> (b) within the limits of their respective activities, distributors and in 
particular the party responsible for the first stage of distribution on the 
national market; <BR> (c) any other person, where necessary, with regard to 
cooperation in action taken to avoid risks arising from a product. <BR> 
<BR>TITLE IV Notification and Exchanges of Information   <BR>Article 7 <BR> 1.  
Where a Member State takes measures which restrict the placing of a product or 
a product batch on the market or require its withdrawal from the market, such 
as provided for in Article 6 (1) (d) to (h), the Member State shall, to the  
extent that such notification is not required under any specific!
 Community legislation, inform the Commission of the said measures, specifying 
its reasons for adopting them. This obligation shall not apply where the 
measures relate to an event which is  local in effect and in any case limited 
to the territory of the Member State concerned. <BR> 2.  The Commission shall 
enter into consultations with the parties concerned as quickly as possible. 
Where the Commission concludes, after such consultations, that the measure is 
justified, it shall immediately inform the Member State which initiated  the 
action and the other Member States. Where the Commission concludes, after such 
consultations, that the measures is not justified, it shall immediately inform 
the Member State which initiated the action. <BR> <BR>TITLE V Emergency 
situations and action at Community level   <BR>Article 8 <BR> 1.  Where a 
Member State adopts or decides to adopt emergency measures to prevent, restrict 
or impose specific conditions on the possible marketing or use, with!
in its own territory, of a product or product batch by reason of a serious and  
immediate risk presented by the said product or product batch to the health and 
safety of consumers, it shall forthwith inform the Commission thereof, unless 
provision is made for this obligation in procedures of a similar nature in the 
context of other  Community instruments. <BR> This obligation shall not apply 
if the effects of the risk do not, or cannot, go beyond the territory of the 
Member State concerned. <BR> Without prejudice to the provisions of the first 
subparagraph, Member States may pass on to the Commission any information in 
their possession regarding the existence of a serious and immediate risk before 
deciding to adopt the measures in question. <BR> 2.  On receiving this 
information, the Commission shall check to see whether it complies with the 
provisions of this Directive and shall forward it to the other Member States, 
which, in turn, shall immediately inform the Commission of !
any measures  adopted. <BR> 3.  Detailed procedures for the Community 
information system described in this Article are set out in the Annex. They 
shall be adapted by the Commission in accordance with the procedure laid down 
in Article 11. <BR> <BR>Article 9 <BR> If the Commission becomes aware, through 
notification given by the Member States or through information provided by 
them, in particular under Article 7 or Article 8, of the existence of a serious 
and immediate risk from a product to the  health and safety of consumers in 
various Member States and if: <BR> (a) one or more Member States have adopted 
measures entailing restrictions on the marketing of the product or requiring 
its withdrawal from the market, such as those provided for in Article 6 (1) (d) 
to (h); <BR> (b) Member States differ on the adoption of measures to deal with 
the risk in question; <BR> (c) the risk cannot be dealt with, in view of the 
nature of the safety issue posed by the product and in a manner c!
ompatible with the urgency of the case, under the other procedures laid down by 
the specific Community legislation applicable to the  product or category of 
products concerned; and<BR> (d) the risk can be eliminated effectively only by 
adopting appropriate measures applicable at Community level, in order to ensure 
the protection of the health and safety of consumers and the proper functioning 
of the common market, <BR> the Commission, after consulting the Member States 
and at the request of at least one of them, may adopt a decision, in accordance 
with the procedure laid down in Article 11, requiring Member States to take 
temporary measures from among those listed in  <BR>Article 6 <BR>(1) (d) to 
(h). <BR> <BR>Article 10 <BR> 1.  The Commission shall be assisted by a 
Committee on Product Safety Emergencies, hereinafter referred to as 'the 
Committee', composed of the representatives of the Member States and chaired by 
a representative of the Commission. <BR> 2.  Without prejudi!
ce to Article 9 (c), there shall be close cooperation between the Committee 
referred to in paragraph 1 and the other Committees established by specific 
rules of Community law to assist the Commission as regards the health and 
safety  aspects of the product concerned. <BR> <BR>Article 11 <BR> 1.  The 
Commission representative shall submit to the Committee a draft of the measures 
to be taken. The Committee, having verified that the conditions listed in 
Article 9 are fulfilled, shall deliver its opinion on the draft within a time  
limit which the Chairman may lay down according to the urgency of the matter 
but which may not exceed one month. The opinion shall be delivered by the 
majority laid down in Article 148 (2) of the Treaty for adoption of decisions 
by the Council on a  proposal from the Commission. The votes of the 
representatives of the Member States within the Committee shall be weighted in 
the manner set out in that Article. The Chairman shall not vote. <BR> The 
ion shall adopt the measures in question, if they are in accordance with the 
opinion of the Committee. If the measures proposed are not in accordance with 
the Committee's opinion, or in the absence of an opinion, the Commission shall  
forthwith submit to the Council a proposal regarding the measures to be taken. 
The Council shall act by a qualified majority. <BR> If the Council has not 
acted whtih 15 days of the date on which the proposal was submitted to it, the 
measures proposed shall be adopted by the Commission unless the Council has 
decided against them by a simple majority. <BR> 2.  Any measure adopted under 
this procedure shall be valid for no longer than tree months. That period may 
be prolonged under the dame procedure. <BR> 3.  Member States shall take all 
necessary measures to implement the decisions adopted under this procedures 
within less than 10 days. <BR> 4.  The competent authorities of the Member 
States responsible for carrying out measures adopted under this!
 procedures shall, within one month, give the parties concerned an opportunity 
to submit their views and shall inform the Commission accordingly.  <BR> 
<BR>Article 12 <BR> The Member States and the Commission shall take the steps 
necessary to ensure that their officials and agents are required not to 
disclose information obtained for the purposes of this Directive which, by its 
nature, is covered by  professional secrecy, except for information relating to 
the safety propertiies of a given product which must be made public if 
circumstances so require, in order to protect the health and safety of persons. 
<BR> <BR>TITLE VI Miscellaneous and final provisions   <BR>Article 13 <BR> This 
Directive shall be without prejudice to Directive <a name="hlhl3"><A 
 border=0 width=7 height=10 
 border=0 width=7 height=10 
src=http://europa.eu.int/search_icons/hlnext.gif></A>/<a name="hlhl4"><A 
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 border=0 width=7 height=10 
src=http://europa.eu.int/search_icons/hlnext.gif></A>/<a name="hlhl5"><A 
 border=0 width=7 height=10 
color=red>EEC</font></A>. <BR> <BR>Article 14 <BR> 1.  Any decision adopted 
under this Directive an!
d involving restrictions on the placing of a product on the market, or 
requiring its withdrawal from the market, must state the appropriate reasons on 
which it is based. It shall be notified as  soon as possible to the party 
concerned and shall indicate the remedies available under the provisions in 
force in the Member State in question and the time limits applying to such 
remedies. <BR> The parties concerned shall, whenever feasible, be given an 
opportunity to submit their views before the adoption of the measure. If this 
has not been done in advance because of the urgency of the measures to be 
taken, such opportunity shall be given in  due course after the measure has 
been implemented. <BR> Measures requiring the withdrawal of a product from the 
market shall take into consideration the need to encourage distributors, users 
and consumers to contribute to the implementation of such measures. <BR> 2.  
Member States shall ensure that any measure taken by the competent authoritie!
s involving restrictions on the placing of a product on the market or requiring 
its withdrawal from the market can be challenged before the competent courts. 
<BR> 3.  Any decision taken by virtue of this Directive and involving 
restrictions on the placing of a product on the market or requiring its 
withdrawal from the market shall be entirely without prejudice to assessment of 
the liability of the party concernd,  in the light of the national criminal law 
applying in the case in question. <BR> <BR>Article 15 <BR> Every two years 
following the date of adoption, the Commission shall submit a report on the 
implementation of this Directive to the European Parliament and the Council. 
<BR> <BR>Article 16 <BR> Four years from the date referred to in Article 17 
(1), on the basis of a Commission report on the experience acquired, together 
with appropriate proposals, the Council shall decide whether to adjust this 
Directive, in particular with a view  to extending its scope as laid down!
 in Article 1 (1) and Article 2 (a), and whether the provisions of Title V 
should be amended. <BR> <BR>Article 17 <BR> 1.  Member States shall adopt the 
laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with this 
Directive by 29 June 1994 at the latest. They shall forthwith inform the 
Commission thereof. The provisions adopted shall apply  with effect from 29 
June 1994. <BR> 2.  When these measures are adopted by the Member States, they 
shall contain a reference to this Directive or be accompanied by such a 
reference on the occasion of their official publication. The methods of making 
such a referenc shall be laid down by  the Member States. <BR> 3.  Member 
States shall communicate to the Commission the text of the provisions of 
national law which they adopt in the area covered by this Directive. <BR> 
<BR>Article 18 <BR> Decision 89/45/EEC is hereby repealed on the date referred 
to in Article 17 (1). <BR> <BR>Article 19 <BR> This Directive is addressed to 
 Member States. <BR> Done at Luxembourg, 29 June 1992. <BR> For the Council The 
President Carlos BORREGO<BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR>(1) OJ No C 156, 27. 6. 
1990, p. 8. <BR> (2) OJ No C 96, 17. 4. 1990, p. 283 and Decision of 11 June 
1992 (not yet published in the Official Journal). <BR> (3) OJ No C 75, 26. 3. 
1990, p. 1. <BR> (4)  OJ No L 109, 26. 4. 1983, p. 8<BR> (5)  OJ No L 183, 14. 
7. 1988, p. 34. <BR> (6)  OJ No L 17, 21. 1. 1989, p. 51. <BR> (7)  OJ No L 
147, 9. 6. 1975, p. 13. <BR> (8)  OJ No L 317, 6. 11. 1981, p. 1. <BR> (9)  OJ 
No L 378, 31. 12. 1982, p. 58. <BR> (10)  OJ No L 395, 30. 12. 1989, p. 13. 
<BR> (11)  OJ No L 371, 30. 12. 1987, p. 76. <BR> (12) OJ No L 197, 18. 7. 
1987, p. 33. <BR> (13) OJ No L 210, 7. 8. 1985, p. 29. <BR> <BR> <BR> ANNEX  
products placed on the market as defined in Article 2 (a) of !
this Directive. <BR> Pharmaceuticals, which come under Directive 75/319/EEC and 
81/851/EEC, and animals, to which Directive 82/894/EEC applies and products of 
animal origin, as far as they are covered by Directive 89/662/EEC, and the 
system for radiological emergencies  which covers widespread contamination of 
products (Decision 87/600/Euratom), are excluded, since they are covered by 
equivalent notification procedures. <BR>  2. The system is essentially aimed at 
a rapid exchange of information in the event of a serious and immediate risk to 
the health and safety of consumers. It is impossible to lay down specific 
criteria as to what, precisely, constitutes an immediate and  serious risk; in 
this regard, the national authorities will therefore judge each individual case 
on its merits. It should be noted that, as Article 8 of this Directive relates 
to immediate threats posed by a product to consumers, products involving  
possible long-term risks, which call for a study of possi!
ble technical changes by means of directives or standards are not concerned. 
<BR>  3. As soon as a serious and immediate risk is detected, the national 
authority shall consult, insofar as possible and appropriate, the producer or 
distributor of the product concerned. Their point of view and the details which 
they supply may be useful  both to the administrations of the Member States and 
to the Commission in determining what action should be taken to ensure that the 
consumer is protected with a minimum of commercial disruption. To these ends 
the Member States should endeavour to  obtain the maximum of information on the 
products and the nature of the danger, without compromising the need for 
rapidity. <BR>  4. As soon as a Member State has detected a serious and 
immediate risk, the effects of which extend or could extend beyond its 
territory, and measures have been taken or decided on, it shall immediately 
inform the Commission. The Member State shall  indicate that it is notif!
ying the Commission under Article 8 of this Directive. All available details 
shall be given, in particular on: <BR> (a) information to identify the product; 
<BR> (b) the danger involved, including the results of any tests/analyses which 
are relevant to assessing the level of risk; <BR> (c) the nature of the 
measures taken or decided on; <BR> (d) information on supply chains where such 
information is possible. <BR> Such information must be transmitted in writing, 
preferably by telex or fax, but may be preceded by a telephone call to the 
Commission. It should be remembered that the speed with which the information 
is communicated is crucial. <BR>  5. Without prejudice to point 4, Member 
States may, where appropriate, pass information to the Commission at the stage 
preceding the decision on the measures to be taken. Immediate contact, as soon 
as a risk is discovered or suspected, can in fact  facilitate preventive 
action. <BR>  6. If the Member State considers certain information!
 to be confidential, it should specify this and justify its request for 
confidentiality, bearing in mind that the need to take effective measures to 
protect consumers normally outweighs considerations  of confidentiality. It 
should also be remembered that precautions are taken in all cases, both by the 
Commission and by the members of the network responsible in the various Member 
States, to avoid any unnecessary disclosure of information likely to  harm the 
reputation of a product or series of products. <BR>  7. The Commission shall 
verify the conformity of the information received with Article 8 of this 
Directive, contact the notifying country, if necessary, and forward the 
information immediately by telex or fax to the relevant authorities in the 
other  Member States with a copy to each permanent representation; these 
authorities may, at the same time as the transmission of the telex, be 
contacted by telephone. The Commission may also contact the Member State 
presumed to be !
the country or origin of the  product to carry out the necessary verifications. 
<BR>  8. At the same time the Commission, when it considers it to be necessary, 
and in order to supplement the information received, can in exceptional 
circumstances institute an investigation of its own motion and/or convene the 
Committee on Emergencies  provided for in Article 10 (1) of this Directive. 
<BR> In the case of such an investigation Member States shall supply the 
Commission with the requested information to the best of their ability. <BR>  
9. The other Member States are requested, wherever possible, to inform the 
Commission without delay of the following: <BR> (a) whether the product has 
been marketed in its territory; <BR> (b) supplementary information it has 
obtained on the danger involved, including the results of any tests/analyses 
carried out to assess the level of risk, <BR> and in any case they must inform 
the Commission as soon as possible of the following: <BR> (c) the measure!
s taken or decided on, of the type mentioned in Article 8 (1) of this 
Directive; <BR> (d) when the product mentioned in this information has been 
found within their territory but no measures have been taken or decided on and 
the reasons why no measures are to be taken. <BR> 10. The Commission may, in 
the light of the evolution of a case and the information received from Member 
States under point 9 above, convene the above Committee on Emergencies in order 
to exchange views on the results obtained and to evaluate the  measures taken. 
The Committee on Emergencies may also be convened at the request of a 
representative of a Member State. <BR> 11. The Commission shall, by means of 
its internal coordination procedures, endeavour to: <BR> (a) avoid unnecessary 
duplication in dealing with notifications; <BR> (b) make full use of the 
expertise available within the Commission; <BR> (c) keep the other services 
concerned fully informed; <BR> (d) ensure that discussions in the various rel!
evant committees are held in accordance with Article 10 of this Directive. <BR> 
12. When a Member State intends, apart from any specific measures taken because 
of serious and immediate risks, to modify its legislation by adopting technical 
specifications, the latter must be notified to the Commission at the draft 
stage, in  accordance with Directive 83/189/EEC, if necessary, quoting the 
urgent reasons set out in Article 9 (3) of that Directive. <BR> 13. To allow it 
to have an overview of the situation, the Committee on Emergencies shall be 
periodically informed of all the notifications received and of the follow-up. 
With regard to points 8 and 10 above, and in those cases which fall within the  
scope of procedures and/or committees provided for by Community legislation 
governing specific products or product sectors, those committees shall be 
involved. In cases where the Committee on Emergencies is not involved and no 
provisions are made under  11 (d), the contact points shall !
be informed of any exchange of views within other committees. <BR> 14. At 
present there are two networks of contact points: the food products network and 
the non-food products network. The list of contact points and officials 
responsible for the networks with telephone, telex and fax numbers and 
addresses is  confidential and distributed to the members of the network only. 
This list enables contact to be established with the Commission and between 
Member States in order to facilitate clarification of points of detail. When 
such contacts between Member States  give rise to new information of general 
interest, the Member States which initiated the bilateral contact shall inform 
the Commission. Only information received or confirmed through contact points 
in Member States may be considered as received through  the rapid exchange of 
information procedure. <BR> Every year the Commission shall carry out a review 
of the effectiveness of the network, of any necessary improvements and !
of the progress made in the communications technology between the authorities 
responsible for its operation. <BR> <BR> <BR>


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