I think you have forgotten one aspect: the business aspect. The strict,
arcane, and constantly changing european specs artificially create business
for testing labs (like us). It is no coincidence that the specs were written
by representatives of the European Laboratories. (God bless them! they have
created plenty of business for us too.)
        They also make it very hard to build or sell anything in europe, or
to start a new manufacturing business. There is a site on the internet that
says "EMC" stands for "Eliminate Minor Companies."
        If you monitor this excellent discussion group, you can see that
there many,many questions about "what does this european spec mean?" The
questions don't come from laymen. they come from PROFESSIONALS. When
standards are that vauge, there is something seriously wrong.
        The crazy standards depress the european economy, and are one reason
why you have 20% unemployment, while we only have 4%.
        That is one man's opinion, but we are making money from it, so I am
NOT complaining!


At 08:56 AM 3/12/99 +0100, you wrote:
>Hello all !
>I have compered the conducted emission limits for MIL-STD-461D (CE102)
>and EN55022. In the identical frequency range it seems that there is a
>gap of approximate 20dB between the limit lines. It was a surprise for
>me that EN55022 have lower limits than CE102, even though the EN55022
>operates with average measurements.
>The test set-ups are not identical, but I feel it should not be
>significant since they use the same type of LISN. I have always had the
>feeling that all military limits were more severe that commercial
>standards. Are there any aspects that I have forgotten ?
>Amund Westin
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