Actually, I had quite a collection of old electronic and telegraph
instruments, gotten from a local junkyard of which our landlord was the
owner. Alas, my small collection was junked while I was in the Army. My
grandmother had my stuff and when she moved, instead of asking me to take
it back, sent it all -- including my first radio, a homemade two-tube
receiver -- to the trash.

I'd imagine many of us have such memories from our youth. People who do
things they are interested in, last longer at them.

====================== Original Message Follows ====================
Reply-To: <>
From: "Michael Mertinooke" <>
Subject: RE: we need some information
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 14:04:50 -0500

>Heh!  Used a CRT focussing coil with a Lionel train transformer, actually.
>By quickly making and breaking the connections I could time the
>current so it would accelerate the ball bearing smartly.

And where did we get our CRT focusing coil? Hmm?
You must have been SOME kid to raise!

====================== End of Original Message =====================

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