In my understanding of FCC rules, your beta unit with a "not for sale' sticker 
on it has no obligation to be compliant with Part 15B limit even if 15 dB above.

Barry Ma
On Wed, 25 October 2000, "Mike Morrow" wrote:

> What are the rules regarding a piece of equipment that is being beta tested
> (not for sale, not being offered for sale) that does not currently comply
> with Part 15B limits?  Everything I've read (47CFR Part 2.803) revolves
> around marketing and sales of the equipment, but nothing about equipment
> that is being given to someone for evaluation. FYI, the unit only has two
> failing frequencies and it only fails by about 4 db.  I am planning on
> putting a "not for sale" sticker on the units as well.  Thanks in advance.
> Mike Morrow
> Senior Compliance Engineer
> Ucentric Systems
> 978-897-6482


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