The 1998 guidelines for human exposure is issued by ICNIRP which is
recognized by the EU and WHO. Many countries around the world have adopted
these limits. See the web site at
<> .

The guideline can be downloaded from

In the US, the accepted guideline is published by the ACGIH (OSHA uses this
one). The ACGIH limits are higher than the ICNIRP limits. <> 

Italy has national and regional laws for exposure to fields from power
systems. The regional limits are about 1/10 that of the national law.
Germany also has a law.

All of these guidelines and laws regulate exposure and not emissions.
Therefore, the equipment per se is not regulated. It is up to the equipment
owner to ensure that workers and/or the general public are not over exposed.

Richard Woods

        From:  Jose Miguel Rio []
        Sent:  Friday, September 22, 2000 10:50 AM
        To:  EMC List 2
        Subject:  Magnetic field standards

        Hi boys

        I hope that averybody have enjoyed their holidays. I have a little
        for you. Do anybody know an international or local standard that
        the level of magnetic field generated by transformers and power
cables to
        protect electronic equipment or human beings?

        Thanks in advance


        Jose Rio
        Advanced Shielding Technologies

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