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Subject:    Re: ETSI standards vs NEBS
Author: Chris Penney <>
Date:       9/29/00 12:02 PM


Is the NEB's testing at the European mains voltage of 230V AC this could be
you first technical judgment.

You need to satisfy yourself before you place equipment on the market in
Europe that you have satisfied the relevant directives, if you achieve this
by making a clause by clause comparison with NEB's / ETSI standards and
record your findings and technical judgments then this should be sufficient.  

However, I prefer the third party testing policy and would ask the test
laboratory to do the above work for you by testing any additional European
requirements and adding ETSI standards along with NEB's standards on the
front of the report.

Chris Penney

At 13:45 28/09/00 -0700, you wrote:
>Does anyone have a feel for the degree of acceptance of GR-63/1089 in
>Europe? I can remember at a previous company we got LONIIS in Russia to
>accept NEBS test results with minimal additional assessment against ETS 300
>Anyone else have any stories to tell, other than the obvious spatial
>Dave Wilson
>Alidian Networks

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