Hey Kelly -

I've neither heard nor had this requested as a product requirement, for
either safety or reliability.  I mainly deal with permanently connected
products, but I would imagine the concerns would be similar (if they were


Mark Gill, P.E.
EMC/Safety/NEBS Design
Nortel Networks - RTP, NC, USA

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kelly Tsudama [SMTP:ktsud...@cisco.com]
> Sent: Monday, June 26, 2000 9:18 PM
> To:   emc-p...@majordomo.ieee.org
> Subject:      Halon resistant power cords.
> Hi
> Has anyone ever heard of a power cord tested to see if its jacket is 
> resistant to halon?  Fyi, I've already contacted Panel, but they indicated
> that they do not test for the effects of this chemical.
> Thanks for any help!
> Kelly
> ****************************************************************
> Kelly Tsudama
> Cisco Systems
> ktsud...@cisco.com
> 408-527-0216
> 408-525-9150 fax
> 408-322-9024 pager
> -------------------------------------------
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