Hi George,

Firstly, sorry for the delay in coming back to you 
> When change is made to "DENANHOU" 
will we still apply through MITI?
May be, I can not give a full explanation to you 
because I do not know what MITI have you doing, 
I mean, the relation between you and MITI, 
and the details of "DENANHOU" have not disclosed yet.

If you (or your customer) are a manufacturer outside Japan 
and your factory has inspected in accordance with "DENTORI", 
the change form "DENTORI" to "DENANHOU" will make you happy. 
It will be not necessary for your factory to be inspected any longer. 
but if you operate an import business, 
the change will make you unhappy. 
You will have to take the responsibility for the products imported to Japan.

> will the "mark" be the same?
The "DENANHOU" marking has not determined yet. 
I think it is not the same.

I quite forgot to put my signature to my last email. 
My name is Jun Nakamura. 

Jun Nakamura
MELCO, Japan
> Jakamura-san;
> Thank you for the best explanation of "Dentori" I have received!
> When change is made to "DENANHOU" will we still apply through
> MITI, and will the "mark" be the same?
> Regards,
> George Alspaugh
> Corporate Product Safety
> Lexmark International Inc.
> ------------
> "DENTORI-T" marking
> --------
> I    ---   I
>  I ----- I
>    I   I   I
>     I  I  I
>      I   I
>       V
> FYI,as a Japanese engineer.
> "DENTORI" stands for "DENki youhin TORIshimari hou"
> which means Electrical products regulation in English,
> like CE marking (the Low Voltage Directive) in Europe.
> Although "DENTORI" is informal abbreviation,
> the word is quite common for the Japanese engineers.
> I often write "DENTORI" when I need to communicate with non-Japanese
> and I usually pronounce "DENTORI" instead of
> "DENki youhin TORIshimari hou" but I have not seen "DENTORY".
> The following may be vital piece of information for you.
> "DENTORI" will change "DENANHOU" on April 1 2001.
> "DENANHOU" stans for "DENki youhin ANzen HOU" which means
> Electrical products safety regulation in English.
> "DENANHOU" is similar to "DENTORI" but it is not the same.
> DENki---Electrical
> youhin---products
> TORIshimari hou---regulation(law)
> ANzen HOU---safety regulation(law)
> ----------
> >
> > Dumb question:
> >
> > I've used the term "Dentori-T" mark when referring to the Japan
> > mark authorized by MITI.  Lately I have seen this spelled as
> > "Dentory", even on foils presented by Japanese companies.
> >
> > I am confused.  Which is the correct spelling:
> >
> > Dentori or Dentory
> >
> > George Alspaugh

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