
You raised a very good discussion. I have also seen a few Japanese customer 
specifications (and even some European customer specifications)with 30 mA GFCI, 
usually with a 0.1 second trip time.

Based on my research, the 30 mA GFCI, 0.1 second is based on JIS C 8371 
"Residual Current Operated Circuit Breaker".   

Now, whether or not 30 mA GFCI would be considered to be suitable for personnel 
protection depends a lot on who you speak with?   

If you ask the compliance safety engineers in the U.S., they'd say "Nope, 30 mA 
GFCIs are not for personnel protection, at least not per UL 943, which defines 
shock hazard as "A shock hazard is considered to exist at a part of a 
ground-fault circuit-interrupter if: A) There would be current of 6 mA or more 
in a resistance of 500 ohms connected between the part in question and the 
grounded supply conductor, and B) The device would not operate to open the 
circuit to the 500-ohm resistor within the time allowed in paragraph 23.1.".   

For the Japanese (and even some Europeans), 30 mA, 0.1 sec. Residual Current 
Devices may very well be considered suitable for personnel protection because 
the trip current and trip time fall within Zone 2 of IEC 479-1, "Usually no 
harmful physiological effects".

Being trained under the U.S. philosophy, I probably will not admit publicly 
that 30 mA GFCIs is adequate for personnel protection; although it is 
comforting to know that if someone should expose themselves to a line to ground 
condition, that the 30 mA, 0.1 sec. GFCI should technically trip before any 
harmful physiological effect results, at least per IEC 479-1.

Disclaimer: Electric shock is a very tricky science, it is not only dependent 
upon current and exposure time, but body impedance, frequency, location of body 
exposure, etc.   


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